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Zakaria Gatra

Co-CEO/CTO at Iminimi, Freelance Lead Developer (Scigeeks)

38 years old
Lyon (69003) France
Entrepreneur Open to opportunities
[Open only to remote freelance work]

Passionate about computer science from an early age, I have directed my career path in this field. Experienced and eager to learn, I am gradually building my career to achieve my professional goals. Willing, professional, and adaptable, I have acquired solid skills in PHP/Symfony development, along with good proficiency in VueJS (2), Python, and DevOps. I am also exploring Rust out of curiosity. Owner of several servers in my homelab (3xR620, 2xR720XD, 1xR410, and 1xR210ii) hosting various services (such as Authelia, GLP...) all under Proxmox (Ubuntu Server VM's & LXC) or Docker, I can assist in managing your infrastructure. Passionate about IoT, AI, and machine learning, I have several development boards for home automation, robotics, and 3D printing projects.
  • Mission at Alptis Direct (Total duration: 31 months)

    • Supervision of development, maintenance, and optimization of Symfony applications, including migration to Symfony 2.8, code standardization, and integration of new features.
    • Management and maintenance of application servers, including optimization of CentOS, Apache, and MariaDB/MySQL environments.
    • Design and deployment of business applications in the insurance sector, as well as development of microservices for migrating CRM/PRM to Symfony and integrating machine learning solutions.
    • Team development oversight, workflow management, PR reviews, and architecture workshop facilitation.
    • Complete overhaul of the health/lender pricing tunnel, including development of a filtering system using the Smartdata microservice and optimization of existing code.
    • Performance improvement of the Smartdata microservice calculation algorithm, resulting in a 300% increase in performance.

  • SARPI – Veolia: Hazardous waste collection platform (1 month)

    • Harmonization of ORM entities and upgrade from Sf 2.1 to 2.8.
    • Code audit and recommendations for upgrading from Sf 2.8 to 3.0.

  • COSME Project of the European Commission (5 months)

    • Development of a web application marketplace for gathering, managing, searching, contacting, and quoting logistic providers on a European scale.
    • Architecture and feature design.
    • Application development, monitoring, and maintenance.
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