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Yoshi Aoyagi


Yoshi Aoyagi
Professional Status
About Me
  • I have over 17 years’ experience in the information technology industry.
  • 10+ years of Escalation engineer and software testing experience working at Microsoft.
  • Experienced in designing and building a Microsoft Windows testing automation framework.
  • Experienced in BVT execution and reporting for automation testing and manual testing.
  • Automated Test Tool experience: MSTest, JNuit, NUnit, Selenium, VisualTest, WTT, DTW, MITA
  • Hands on experience with C#, .NET, XHTML, XML, ADO.NET
  • Hands on experience with C++, Win32 API test automation.
  • Have experience working on WTT, Source Depot, and Product Studio.
  • Hands on experience with System Performance Testing Methodologies like Spike, Stress and Endurance Tests.
  • Develop use cases, user interface specifications, and user requirement specification documents.
  • Experience in monitoring Web Servers and Application Servers such as Microsoft IIS, Web logic and Database Servers Such as SQL Server during Performance Testing.
  • Experience with Fast paced environment like Agile Methodology.
  • Self-motivated, willing to assume responsibilities, can work independently, lead or work within a team environment.
  • Experience with .NET Framework 4.0, ASP.NET, C#, Source Depot Source Control, MAUI, MITA, MASH, RPF, NUnit, Razzle Build, Core XT build, NAnt Build, VSS source, Subversion source, Automated Software Installer OS/Program Deployment, and Mobile Device Emulator / Real Device testing.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
My innovation – Stay hungry, stay foolish.
LINQ Interview Questions and Answers – 1
15 Oct 2015
Q1.  What is LINQ and why to use it?Ans. LINQ stands for “Language Integrated Query” and pronounced as “LINK”. LINQ was introduced with .NET Framework 3.5 including Visual Studio 2008, C# 3.0 and VB.NET 2008 (VB 9.0). It enables you to query the data from the various data sources like SQL databases, XML documents, ADO.NET … Continue reading "LINQ Interview Questions and Answers – 1"
ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions and Answers – 1
08 Oct 2015
Q1. What is MVC? Ans. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is a software design pattern which was introduced in 1970s. Also, MVC pattern forces a separation of concerns, it means domain model and controller logic are decoupled from user interface (view). As a result maintenance and testing of the application become simpler and easier. Q2. Explain … Continue reading "ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions and Answers – 1"
Overview of Data Structures
01 Dec 2012
This section provides an overview, in the form of a table, of the major data storage structures discussed in this book. This is a bird’s-eye view of a landscape that we’ll be covering later at ground level, so don’t be alarmed if it looks a bit mysterious. Data Structure Advantages Disadvantages Array Quick insertion, very … Continue reading "Overview of Data Structures"
How to be a good tester?
28 Oct 2012
It’s a every testers question.How to be a good tester?Apart from the technical knowledge, testing skills, tester should have some personal level skills which will help them to build a good rapport in the testing team. What are these abilities , skills which make a tester as a good tester? Well, I was readingDave Whalen’s … Continue reading "How to be a good tester?"
Stress-Testing Process
27 Oct 2012
Stress test your application by subjecting it to very high loads that are beyond the capacity of the application, while denying it the resources required to process that load. For example, you can deploy your application on a server that is running a processor-intensive application already. In this way, your application is immediately starved of … Continue reading "Stress-Testing Process"
Testing .NET Application Performance
27 Oct 2012
Performance Testing Performance testing is the process of identifying how an application responds to a specified set of conditions and input. Multiple individual performance test scenarios (suites, cases, scripts) are often needed to cover all of the conditions and/or input of interest. For testing purposes, if possible, the application should be hosted on a hardware … Continue reading "Testing .NET Application Performance"
Common Automation Mistakes
27 Oct 2012
Watch out for these common errors when writing test code: Hard-coded paths Tests often need external files during test execution. The quickest andsimplest method to point the test to a network share or other location is to embed the path in thesource file. Unfortunately, paths can change and servers can be reconfigured or retired. It … Continue reading "Common Automation Mistakes"
Binary Search Tree Validity
03 Oct 2012
Write a function to determine whether a given binary tree of distinct integers is avalid binary search tree. Assume that each node contains a pointer to its left child, apointer to its right child, and an integer, but not a pointer to its parent. You may useany language you like.Good Answer: Note that it’s not … Continue reading "Binary Search Tree Validity"
Test Case Methodologies
03 Oct 2012
EP = Equivalence Partitioning. As an example, if you have a range of valid values, like 1-10, you would choose to test one valid value (say 7), and one invalid value (like 0). BVA = Boundary Value Analysis. If you take the example above, you would test the minimum and maximum boundaries (1 and 10), … Continue reading "Test Case Methodologies"
Test Strategy Vs Test Plan
03 Oct 2012
Test Strategy : A test strategy is a statement of the overall approach to testing, identifying what levels of testing are to be applied and the methods, techniques and tools to be used. A test strategy should ideally be organization wide, being applicable to all of organizations software developments.The application of a test strategy to … Continue reading "Test Strategy Vs Test Plan"