20 ans d’expérience en coordination et monitoring d’essais cliniques européens, avec des compagnies pharmaceutiques, fabricants de Dispositifs médicaux et des CROs. Auteur de l’ouvrage « Essais Cliniques, du patient à l’objet de science » Autonome et flexible, proactif, opérationnel, leadership Double compétence industrielle et académique
Point of view on the evolution of the clinical research in France and in the world. The opportunity of a reflection on a job which reaches maturity, at the age of reason and on a sector which globalizes and becomes industrialized. The opportunity of a debate also. Every public, 2 hours with questions answers and debate.
The European directive 2001/20/CE on Clinical trials
Health Marketing
Specific product in development (blood components, medical devices)
Role-playing workshop ( investigator meeting, inititation, monitoring and close-out visits)
Professional training on the regulations for medical devices