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wijden Manaa

wijden Manaa

English Language coach

Events organization
Human Ressources
Teaching English
voluntary and cultural work
29 ans
cité el khadhra (1003)
En poste Ouvert aux opportunités
  • Tunisia TESOL is a subsidiary of TESOL International. It is a professional association for anyone involved in teaching English in Tunisia
  • Certificate of attendace: For attending the Tunisia TESOL,7th National day on Teaching English for Employability,held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences of Tunis on the 29th of April,2017
  • Certificate of attendance:attended the sixth international conference organized by Tunisia TESOL, an affiliate of TESOL international, on learning and teaching in and beyond the classroom held at Royal Kenz Hotel, sousse , on 9 and 10 February 2019
  • Certificate of Participation in Tunisia TESOL 6th international dayorganized by Tunisia TESOL on Effective Practices in ELT. Nabeul ,october 14,2016
  • Certificate of Attendance :attended the fourth International conference organized by Tunisia TESOL ,on Professionalism in ELT held at Houda Yasmine,Hammamet, on 3-4 March 2017
  • Certificate of Participation in collaboration with AMIDEAST and OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS :Participated in workshops on " creative ideas for business English classrooms, Developing dynamic lessons for conversation classes in AMIDEAST Tunis ,March 4th ,2019