Vojtech is currently a student of the CEMS Master of Management degree at the National University of Singapore. Previously, he was a Junior Management Consultant at EY focusing on Performace Improvement and the automotive industry. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of New York in Prague. During his bachelor studies, he also took placements at the University of Exeter and the Suffolk University in Boston.
Assisted clients with projects mostly in the Automotive and Retail industries
Coordinated a long-term project for an automotive client aimed to ensure preparation of worldwide dealer network for market entries of new models (involving more than 2,000 dealerships in 36 countries). Conducted day-to-day project management services and coordinated project long-term development and strategy.
Coordinated project for an automotive client aimed to maximize usage of client's online application via gamification concepts (involving more than 13,000 application users/participants). Helped to develop gamification strategy and concept and coordinated majority of project activities.
Participated in a project for an automotive client aimed to develop an overall Aftersales business strategy for client's expansion into the market with electric vehicles. Conducted market and strategy analysis of current business conditions and estimated future development to recommend the appropriate strategy.
Conducted a project for a national automotive association aimed to examine the current state of electromobility development in the Czech Republic and EU, its estimated future outlook and specific impact on Czech automotive suppliers. Conducted a market research and produced a detailed report for V4 Automotive Summit and e-Mobility Conference
Established and coordinated relations with customers, suppliers and other parties involved in daily business with the restaurant
Conducted marketing activities to prepare the restaurant to utilize an online delivery platform and participated in establishing online marketing and social media presence
Coordinated the process of supplies acquisition involving scheduling of purchases and cost control
Conducted administration tasks associated with financial matters, HR management, and day-to-day restaurant operations
Produced statistical analysis of restaurant operations to optimize business processes (extensive use of Microsoft Excel)