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Vincent Galvagnon

Product Director

Vincent Galvagnon
49 years old
Driving License
Villefranche de Lauragais (31290) France
Professional Status
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Structuration of the product team
  • Empowerment of middle managers and leaders
  • Product strategy definition and deployment from Roadmap to runtime
  • Customer satisfaction priorization : Product technical evolution & runtime environment evolution
Detailed Description
  • Growing up the team from 7 developpers to 30+ collaborators
  • Structuration of the team into a Functional team (Product Management, Quality, Quality automation), a Technical team (Development), an Application Maintenance team and an Exploitation/Run team
  • Organization of the teams: roles and responsabilities definition, agile methodology, KPI definition, tools
  • Coaching and vision support
  • Definition of new features and global product strategy through the complete lifecycle of the software : Need analysis, Roadmap, Specifications, development, quality, training, deployment, run on the SAAS environment
  • Key indicators evolution in 4,5 years :

    Company KPIs
    • from 60 000 to 120 000 users
    • from 700 to 1200 customers
    • growth : +30% / year
    • reduction of the churn (confidential)
    • increase of customer satisfaction (confidential)

    Team Organization
    • Functional Team (PM/PO/UX) : 0 to 8
    • Quality : 0 to 3
    • Quality automation : 0 to 1
    • Development : 7 to 15
    • Maintenance : 0 to 4
    • Exploitation / Run : 0 to 1

    • Release of multiple Features (New Expense report module, new modeling user interface, mobile application,...)
    • Reduction of the technical debt
    • Improvment of performances and scalability
Company Description
Eurécia, partenaire des PME et des TPE, simplifie leur gestion RH, libère leurs talents
et nourrit ainsi leur création de valeur.

En simplifiant la gestion RH des PME et des TPE, Eurécia les libère de leurs contraintes
chronophages pour favoriser la création de valeur des entreprises et le bien-être au

Proche de ses 120 000 clients-utilisateurs au sein de 1 200 entreprises réparties
dans 62 pays, Eurécia est la PME qui parle aux PME.

Eurécia est le trait d’union entre le dirigeant, le directeur financier, les fonctions RH, les managers et les salariés, qui fait converger les intérêts de l’entreprise avec ceux des salariés.

Implantées au cœur même des entreprises, ses solutions de gestion administrative du personnel et de gestion des talents sont évolutives grâce à l’observation des besoins émergents sur le terrain.
Company website
  • Member of the product marketing team, I assume:
    • product specifications in regards to the market requirements
    • expertise, support and project management missions on partner alliances, pre-sales and customer project activities
    • handling interactions between Sales, Professional Services and Product Marketing
    • define and develop certification/training materials
Detailed Description
  • Training & Functional Support
  • Project Management, MOA
  • Presentation & Communication skills (Pre sale and Partner, Training, Project)
  • Product Management (Feature definition, High Level Architecture, Specification, Planning, Test and Documentation)
  • Member of the product marketing team, I'm responsible for the Telco market for the Cameleon Software e-Commerce solution. My role is three-fold:
    • formalize product features needed with regards to the Telco market, define the functionnal specifications and the follow-up of the integration of these enhancements into the solution
    • provide product expertize and project management assistance internally and on customer strategic projects (SFR)
    • actively participate to pre-sales and alliances activities with standard and customized product presentations and demos
Detailed Description
  • Project Management, MOA
  • Product Management (Feature definition, High Level Architecture, Specification, Planning, Test and Documentation)
  • Presentation & Communication skills (Pre sale, Training, Project)
  • Customer & partner relationship management
  • Telco industry
  • Responsible of a line of E-Commerce web components:
    • management of customers needs and enhancements requests
    • definition of functional specifications of the new versions of the software
    • collaboration to the definition of technical specifications
    • control of the R&D deliveries and plannings
    • definition and execution of functional tests campaigns
    • redaction of documents (UserGuide, InstallGuide, Release Notes…)
  • Assistance, support and training for pre sales department, customer services, technical support services or customers
  • Product expertize assistance on customer strategic projects (Lapeyre, SFR)
Detailed Description
  • Technical environment : Win XP/Vista, SQL database (Oracle 10/11, SqlServer 2003), C++, Corba, Java (EJB3, Eclipse), JBoss, J2EE, SOA.
  • Product Management (Feature definition, High Level Architecture, Specification, Planning, Test and Documentation)
  • Project management
  • Training
  • Customer relationship management
  • In charge of the development of the engines of the Access Commerce Cameleon software suite. These engines are the bases of the following web components: eConfigurator (interactive constrained dialog to define and sell complex products), eCatalog (navigation, search and advanced search in a structured catalog), ePricer (computation of complex promotions and discounts).
Detailed Description
  • Technical environment: Win NT/XP, SQL database (Oracle 10, SqlServer 2003), C++ (Microsoft Visual Studio), Corba, UML.
  • Algorithmic: Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Fuzzy Sets and multi-criteria optimization.
  • Research areas:
    • multi-project scheduling,
    • resource scheduling,
    • inconsistency explanation
    • fuzzy scheduling
  • Technical skills:
    • Project Management
    • Algorithmic & programming:
      • Project Scheduling (PERT)
      • Resources constrained scheduling
      • Constraint programming
      • Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
  • Technical environment: Win NT/XP, SQL database (Oracle 10), C++, UML / OMT
  • Communication:
    • Teaching: production management, project management, Computer assisted production management, computer science (Microsoft office, internet navigation)
    • International scientific congress presentation
    • European research group collaboration ("DIstribution de la Décision dans les Organisations Matricielle" group)
Detailed Description
  • PhD Thesis Abstract - Decision support in distributed multi-project management: A local approach for medium-term planning

    The project framework is the most commonly used way to represent company’s activities. The projects are generally broken down into human resources, material resources and suppliers. This work focuses on the study of one decisional centre with respect to its direct environment; this study consists of an analysis of the local decisions to be taken when scheduling a project with respect to its interactions and dependences with other decisional centres.

    We start by an identification of the industrial needs, followed by a presentation of the studies related to project management either when data are well-known or when data are uncertain, as well as multiple projects scheduling.
    Our approach deals with two main problems: detection and explanation of inconsistencies and conflicts (in order to help solve them) on the one hand, uncertainty management on the other hand.

    Indeed, the dynamic aspect of the problem can lead the decision maker to a situation where its scheduling is no longer valid, and has to be reconsidered. At this point, we present the decision support system (DSS) as a way to point out conflicts. This tool suggests decision ways and/or negotiation with other projects.

    We extended this inconsistency explanations search method to the project scheduling problems under imprecise or uncertain data. The imprecise or uncertain elements are represented using the fuzzy approach. This work on uncertain data led us to consider the case of fuzzy PERT, for which a solving method is proposed when the project graph is a serial-parallel one. If no hypothesis can be done on the graph structure, a heuristic is also introduced.

    The results presented in this work are based on a real industrial problem: satellite integration management problem, in the Assembly, Integration and Test department of the Astrium company. Once the general components of the problem were specified, a set of problems were defined, on which a C++ preliminary version of the DSS could be tested.