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Vincent Galvagnon

Product Director

Vincent Galvagnon
49 years old
Driving License
Villefranche de Lauragais (31290) France
Professional Status
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Team management
    • Leadership
    • Coaching
    • Organization
    • Methodology
    • Budget
  • Product management
    • Product strategy definition
    • Product Functional, Development & QA management
    • Product go-to-market (Documentation, Marketing materials & Training materials)
  • Project management
    • Agile Methodologies
    • Plan-driven Methodologies
  • Product strategy definition
  • Functional architect
  • Product definition & specification
  • Market analysis
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Scheduling, Constraint Programming
  • Algorithmic
  • High level architecture
  • Customer & partner relationship management
  • Product presentation and demo
  • Training
  • Structuration of the product team
  • Empowerment of middle managers and leaders
  • Product strategy definition and deployment from Roadmap to runtime
  • Customer satisfaction priorization : Product technical evolution & runtime environment evolution
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  • Member of the product marketing team, I assume:
    • product specifications in regards to the market requirements
    • expertise, support and project management missions on partner alliances, pre-sales and customer project activities
    • handling interactions between Sales, Professional Services and Product Marketing
    • define and develop certification/training materials
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  • Member of the product marketing team, I'm responsible for the Telco market for the Cameleon Software e-Commerce solution. My role is three-fold:
    • formalize product features needed with regards to the Telco market, define the functionnal specifications and the follow-up of the integration of these enhancements into the solution
    • provide product expertize and project management assistance internally and on customer strategic projects (SFR)
    • actively participate to pre-sales and alliances activities with standard and customized product presentations and demos
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  • Responsible of a line of E-Commerce web components:
    • management of customers needs and enhancements requests
    • definition of functional specifications of the new versions of the software
    • collaboration to the definition of technical specifications
    • control of the R&D deliveries and plannings
    • definition and execution of functional tests campaigns
    • redaction of documents (UserGuide, InstallGuide, Release Notes…)
  • Assistance, support and training for pre sales department, customer services, technical support services or customers
  • Product expertize assistance on customer strategic projects (Lapeyre, SFR)
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  • In charge of the development of the engines of the Access Commerce Cameleon software suite. These engines are the bases of the following web components: eConfigurator (interactive constrained dialog to define and sell complex products), eCatalog (navigation, search and advanced search in a structured catalog), ePricer (computation of complex promotions and discounts).
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  • Research areas:
    • multi-project scheduling,
    • resource scheduling,
    • inconsistency explanation
    • fuzzy scheduling
  • Technical skills:
    • Project Management
    • Algorithmic & programming:
      • Project Scheduling (PERT)
      • Resources constrained scheduling
      • Constraint programming
      • Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
  • Technical environment: Win NT/XP, SQL database (Oracle 10), C++, UML / OMT
  • Communication:
    • Teaching: production management, project management, Computer assisted production management, computer science (Microsoft office, internet navigation)
    • International scientific congress presentation
    • European research group collaboration ("DIstribution de la Décision dans les Organisations Matricielle" group)
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Ecole nationale supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace - SUPAERO

September 1997 to October 2010
Artificial Intelligence - Aide à la décision en gestion multi-projet distribuée :
Approche locale pour la planification à moyen terme
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Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)

September 1996 to September 1997
Artificial Intelligence - Représentation de la connaissance et formalisation du raisonnement