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Valentina Iesari

Valentina Iesari

Assistant Ecologist

32 years old
Driving License
Macerata (62100) Italy
Consultant Available
· Prof. Andrea Catorci.
Address: School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, Plant Diversity and Ecosystem Management unit, 5, Via Pontoni, 62032, University of Camerino (Italy)
Phone: (+39)0737 404511
· Prof. Dr. Leonida Fusani.
Address: Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Department of Integrative Biology and Evolution, University of Veterinary Medicine, Savoyenstrasse 1a A-1160, Vienna (Austria)
Phone: +43 (1) 25077 7320
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Conservation Careers is one of the fastest growing website dedicated to helping protect wildlife. We believe that the biodiversity is beautiful, and that it deserves great conservation working to protect it. As a Conservation Career Blogger my role is to provide accurate, honest and useful careers advice for people wishing to work in conservation. I'll do this largely by interviewing professional conservationists about their work, and collecting advices which other can follow
  • LIPU, the italian partner of Bird Life International, participates to the project "Life Choose Nature" for the safeguarding of the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrines). Activities:
  • · Attendance at workshops
  • · Birdwatching
  • · Ringing activity
  • Support work for the research project “SLA and other leaves features variation in response to increasing water scarcity”:
    · Collection in the field and keeping leave's samples at the study area of Riserva Naturale di Montagna di Torricchio, Visso (Italy)
  • · Specific Leaves Area, stretching and scanning of leave's samples
  • · Treatment of phytomass, subdivision and drying of leave's samples
  • · Data base construction in Microsoft Office Excel
  • Support work for the research project“Plant-animal interaction in relation to the protection of biodiversity of natural pastures”:
  • · Field ecology surveys of flora and fauna
  • · Writing scientific papers
  • · Laboratory assistance
  • Attendance in research activities for the migration of the sparrows in the center of research for the biology migration of the island of Ponza (70 hours)
  • · Birdwatching
  • . Ringing activity
  • · Capture of animals with a standardized mist-nest system
  • · Collection of data (age, sex, fat deposit, muscles)
  • · Collection of data in a data base implemented by ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale)
  • Attendance to the 5th Workshop “Life cycle and analysis and energy potential” for the Erasmus + project “ENEPLAN – Developing skills in the field of integrate Energy planning in MED landscapes”.
  • Laboratory experience (student's free choice) for the acquisition of 6 CFU and subdivided in three modules:
  • · 1st Module: Creation of a map through the use of Q GIS and Analysis of Bioclimatic Indices
  • · 2nd Module: Attendance at workshop at Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology (Vienna)
  • · 3rd Module: Statistical analysis of a data base using R Studio Packages
  • Training experience performed at the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology according the plan of Erasmus + Traineeship in the fields of the Animal Physiology and Behavioral Ecology. Activities:
  • · Attendance of e.learning course in Bioacoustics
  • · Collection fo audio and video samples in a colony of captive animals
  • · Maintenance of enclosures
  • · Data base construction in Microsoft Office Excel
  • · Statistical analysis in R Studio Packages
  • · Drawing up of the master thesis
  • Stage for the drawin up the bachelor thesis. Activities:
    · Work of census of the population of Ungulates
  • · Collection of biometrics data from the mandible of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
    · Data base construction in Microsoft Office Excel
  • · Statistical analysis with SSP (Statistical Software Packages)
  • Training as botanist at the National Park of Paneveggio – Pale di San Martino, Trento (Italy). Activities:
  • · Collection of historical data regarding red deer's (Cervus elaphus) fence
  • · Performance of phytosociological investigations in the fence for grassland management
This course is a proven step-by-step system to get clear, get ready, and get hired in the conservation sector. It is subdivided in different modules in order to provide information on the conservation industry, identifying the job(s) which are going to be bet suited to you; improving your own CV and getting ready for an interview.

Master of Sciences

School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino

October 2014 to July 2017
· Name's course: Biological Sciences LM-6, Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management
· Final mark: 109/110

Course of Widlife Management

National Park of Paneveggio - Pale di San Martini - Trento

September 2015
· Research, checking and recording of presence/absence of the red squirrel (Sciurius vulgaris) with the use of hair tube
· Monitoring of marmot (Marmota marmota) through work of census and detection of shelters
· Application of indices of abundance (pellet count)
· Test di remote sensing (GPS tracking)
· Use of cartography for the recording of detections
· Night work of census with lighthouse
· Census of the roar during the breeding season of red deer (Cervus elaphus)

Bachelor of Sciences

School of Sciences and Technologies, University of Camerino

October 2011 to December 2014
· Name's course: Geological, Natural and Enviromental Sciences L-32
· Final mark: 110/110

School-leaving Certificate

Scientific High School G. Galilei - Macerata

September 2006 to June 2011
· Final mark: 80/100
  • Problem solving
  • Teamwork
  • Scientific Writing
  • Data Analytics
  • Database Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Field Work
  • Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Wildlife Management
  • Behavioral Ecology
  • Animal Communication
  • Bioacoustics
  • Animal Physiology
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Forestry
  • Statistical Software
  • Italian
  • English
  • Franch
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Q GIS
  • SSP
  • R Studio Packages
  • Audacity
  • Raven Lite
  • Camera Traps
  • Infrared Motion Sensor Cameras
  • Audio Recording Machines
  • Remote Sensing Collars
  • GPS Tracking
  • IELTS - Academic
    Overall Score: 6.0
  • Intro to Statistics with R: Introduction Course
    Statement of Accomplishment - E.learning course
  • · Conference Paper: Recovery of a grassland community invaded in Brachypodium rupestre after multi-annual mowing treatment.
    A. Catorci, V. Iesari, FM. Tardella – School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino – Eastern Alpine and Dinaric Society for Vegetation Ecology; 37th Meeting; Prizen (Kosovo); 13-16 July 2017.
  • · Master’s Thesis: Vocal behaviour of the edible dormouse (Glis glis) during the mating season.
    Supervisor: Prof. A. Catorci, Prof. P. Scocco – External supervisors: Dr.rer.Nat.Priv – Doz. C. Bieber, Prof. Dr. L. Fusani – School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino (Italy) and University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Austria) – Session: 2016/2017
  • · Bachelor’s Thesis: Detection and analysis of biometrics data in population of roe deer (Capreoulus capreoulus) in the province of Macerata.
    Supervisors: Prof. P. Scocco, Dr. A. Brusaferro – School of Sciences and Technologies, University of Camerino (Italy) – Session: 2013/2014