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Valentin Gabis

Working at SwissLife France and Studying in master's degree in KEDGE Business School, looking for work experiences in the procurement area in the music industry

Valentin Gabis
29 years old
Driving License
Paris (75010) France
Professional Status
About Me
Hard-working student, passionated about the music industry and International procurement.
Focusing studies on Internatonal procurement and foreign cultures aspects.

Hoping to apply unique skills and abilities in your company to optimize the processes, reduce the supplier risks and increase savings

Technical degree in Marketing techniques

IUT de Béziers

September 2013 to July 2015
Commercial negotiation (Know how to use different negotiation skills and adapt them to a situation)

Management of the point of sale (Propose assortment, how to place and adapt it to the customer base)

Introduction to the entrepreneurship (How to create a company, what can we do and what we should analyse first)

Business English (Business vocabulary, negociating a product)

Spanish (negociating a product based on our needs)