As a quantitative research consultant, my job is to use statistical methods and matrices of market data such as Price Volume, Fundamental, sentiment, option and so on to create market indicators. The WebSim simulator allows me to back test my "alphas" or market indicators. My portfolio contains more than 500 robust alphas in USA, EUROPE and ASIA region.
I worked with Board of Revenue on geographical information system (GIS) using ARC GIS software . My work was to define a coordinate systems(with exact latitude and longitude ) for rural areas of Uttar Pradesh (India) so as to resolve land disputes among the villages of Uttar Pradesh.
At wallstreet club we engage students in implementing trading strategies within Indian markets with the help of technical and fundamental analysis of stocks.
I worked in team of 3 and conducted a workshop in schools of rural areas to helps students to find which area they are really good at, and what are the best career option for them.