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Geology, Planetary and Astrobiology Scientist

34 years old
CERGY (95800) France
Professional Status
About Me
Fascinated by Astronomy, I am at present in doctorate in LISA (Paris) where I work on the capacity of the ChemCam instrument aboard the Curiosity rover to detect the organic matter in mineral samples (phyllosilicates) and on the photostability of the organic matter contained in mineral matrix, in irradiation, temperature (55°C) and pressure (6mbar) conditions of the Martian surface with the MOMIE experiment (Martian Organic Molecules Irradiation and Evolution).

Good reading...
  • Topic : Exploration of Mars by the Curiosity rover. Data processing and interpretation in term of content in organic matter.
  • SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) and ChemCam (Chemistry and Camera) team collaborator
  • Use of the MOMIE (Martian Organic Molecules Irradiation & Evolution) experiment to work about the photostability of organic molecules and/or clay minerals in martian environment.
  • Use of ChemCam testbed (IRAP - Toulouse) to see if the ChemCam intrument aboard Curiosity is able to detect organic molecules.
  • Synthesis of samples of astrobiological interest (organic and mineral interaction)