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Versatile, applied and rigorous

28 ans
Permis de conduire
Chêne-bourg (1225) Suisse
En recherche d'emploi Ouverte aux opportunités
International marketing, Marketing communications and sales, Financial management, Human resource management, Operations management, Contemporary management, Business information systems and Business computer applications

Bachelor in Trade and negotiation - Management

IPAC Bachelor Factory

2016 à 2019
Strategic marketing, Digital marketing plan, Communication strategy, Operational communication, Commercial Policy and Customer Relations, Management of e-branding, Marketing and web communication, Negotiation, Distribution, Communication and professional relations, Management of men and organisations, Sales force management
Key Success Factors for a Project - Project Organization - Project Management Manual - Creating a Schedule - Developing a Schedule - Optimizing a Schedule - Managing Costs, Quality, HR, Risks , Contracts and Supplies - Performance Measurement - Project Simulation