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Versatile, applied and rigorous

28 ans
Permis de conduire
Chêne-bourg (1225) Suisse
En recherche d'emploi Ouverte aux opportunités
  • AC databases (Internet, points of sale ...) Cosmetics Grangettes -management and automation of stocks and supplies- Creation files type presentation-Prospecting customers, marketing / communication support
  • Accounting analysis, upgrading, continuous accounting, parallel production of the "Support Guide" process, reference for the transfer of knowledge to the secretaries of the firm, training to provide and follow up, support and closure of the accounting project.
  • Knowledge of the billing post in the medical sector (doctors' offices, hospitalizations ...), the use of Opale software, DPI, Tarmed classification
  • Deepening the use of Excel especially during database reorganizations, statistics processing, rate re-evaluations, implementation and creation of dynamic files.
  • Notorious knowledge in the field of insurance, operations and interactions of these institutions
  • Inventory of medical equipment, legal aspect, container unloading, professional travel and distribution on Praia, Africa.