Worked with team members to design and implement a database for Bike Assembly in order to keep track of information regarding employees, suppliers, customers, and projects involved with the Assembly's Operations
Determined the relationships among the different entities in the database
Performed E-R modeling, normalization and schema implementation using MS Access and Visio
Financially managed an international digital camera company in an online exercise
Competed against top performing students worldwide for global market leadership
Made decisions regarding R&D, production, sales, marketing, finance, and corporate citizenship
Produced a comprehensive financial performance by measures of EPS, ROI, stock price, and credit rating
Achievement: Grand Champion
Company Description
The Global Business Simulation Strategy Game, or "Glo-Bus," is a business simulation game designed by McGraw-Hill Irwin. The strategy game focuses upon aspects such as Production design, marketing, assembly (for both entry-level and multi-featured), compensation and labor, discount bids, corporate citizenship,and finance and cash flow.
The Best-Strategy Invitational (BSI) is a global competition among high-performing GLO-BUS companies from around the world. Hosted and administered by the GLO-BUS author team, the BSI is held over a two-week period each May, August, and December. Any student-team finishing in 1st place in the GLO-BUS simulation exercise conducted at their school, college, or university will receive an invitation to participate in the BSI. (