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Sekou Diarra

Sekou Diarra

Senior Fullstack Software Engineer

36 years old
Driving License
Employed Open to opportunities
Motivated and skilled senior software engineer with 9 years of experience,
i have builded various software for various company and tackled many challenges.
Working in agile team, doing pair programming and code review is my daily routine.
Always eager to learn new concept (now it's rust and web3.0) and taking MOOC.

Senior fullstack developper Go/React

Since 2021
  • improve the microservices of the ad team in charge of providing digital advertising on different media (web, tv, ott and box)
    Our team was the corner stone of the ad delivery platform
    • participating in the design and the development of a new microservice (a backoffice dedicated to the advertising department)
  • Implementation of observability (traces and logs) based on opentelemetry and datadog on all our microservices in order to have 360° obeservability. This realization allowed us to improve the monitoring of our microservices and detect upstream the non-nominal behaviors of our stack
  • Working in a agile team, with constant code review on every pull request
  • Stack: Go, React(with Typescripte), AWS, Kubernetes, Docker,Postgres Opentelemetry, Datadog, NewRelic

Freelance fullstack Go/scala/vuejs

Figaro Classifieds
November 2018 to October 2020
  • Redesign of the real estate applications
    • Migration from a java monolithic architecture to a micro-service architecture in Go/elasticsearch deployed on GCP
    • Development of an api in Go to expose the ES to the different fronts (in vuejs/react)
    • Development of the front end in vuejs
    • Implementation of elasticsearch indexes and development of the feeder in go/scala to feed them
  • Stack: Go, elastic search, react, vue, scala, Google Cloud, Kubernetes

Dev Scala/Angular

CANAL+ Group
March 2018 to November 2018
    • Participation in the development of an in-house orchestrator in microservices architecture in order to automate the workflow of recovery, transcoding and routing of media assets of Canal+.
    • Created a microservice to manage the redirection of traffic between the old stack and the new orchestrator
  • Technical Stack: Scala, Akka-{Stream, Actor}, Kotlin (to manage SOAP with legacy services), Angular4, RabbitMq

Developpeur Java/Scala

September 2015 to November 2018

Dev FullStack Java/Angular

Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking - SGCIB
October 2017 to March 2018
  • Development of an application for institutional credit management.
    Technical Stack: Java, Kotlin, Angular4, Spring Boot, React, Angular

Dev Fullstack Java/AngularJs

October 2015 to September 2017
  • Project 1:
    • Redesign of the quotation page as part of the evolution of the information system
    • Consideration of performance issues
    • Implementation of load tests on the application with Gatling
    • Dockerization of the application for off-prod concerns (e.g. deployment of specific branch
  • Project 2:
    • Realization of a tool in proof of concept mode based on Gatling to replace LoadRunner in order to be able to execute end-to-end tests on the different applications by mutualizing the load tests
  • Stack: Java, Scala, Spring, Gatling, Docker, Angula


December 2013 to September 2015
  • Context:
    • Design and development of applications related to the rail freight industry for Fret Sncf and its business partners

    Celerius projects:
    • Participation in the development of Celerius, an application that allows the issuing of quotations between several railway actors for the movement of goods.

    CarbonTracer Project
    • Development of a Carbon emission calculation batch based on transport data.
    • Realization of the technical design of the batch

    Irex project:
    • Development of an incident management application for operational feedback

    Etrack Project :
    • Development of an application for managing and geolocating a fleet of trains
    • Realization of the rest services of the subscription alerts module

scala-reactiveX: Programming Reactive Systems



  • Boxe (Jeet Kun-Do)
  • Fitness

Programming Language

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Scala
  • Go
  • JavaScript


  • Kafka
  • ElasticSearch
  • MongoDb
  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • AWS
  • GCP

Web Development

  • React
  • Node
  • Cypress

Master 2 Ingénérie et Gestion des Systèmes d'Information

Université des Sciences Sociales Toulouse 1

September 2012 to September 2013

Master 1 Sytème d'Information et Informatique des Organisation

Université des Sciences Sociales Toulouse 1

September 2011 to 2012