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Samy-Anis Benachi

Samy-Anis Benachi

Software Engineer

Freelancer Available
  • Developed a multiplayer VR Escape game by leading a team of 7 software developers interns. Implemented hands-only controls with Leap Motion.
  • Increased productivity by 12.5% by reducing the time to complete daily tasks by 1 hour/day by managing the work organization within the team.
  • Enhanced the challenging aspect of the game by 30%* by linking the 6 rooms of the escape game through VR puzzles and mini-games.
    • Calculated from user surveys, before and after the feature implementation.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords : Agile method - Team leading - Game development - Rendering - VR - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / Git / Trello / HTC-Vive / Leap Motion / RealSense camera.
  • Developed a full-3D anatomy software that will be used as of September 2020 by doctors to train medical students in anatomy.
  • Reduced the feature implementation time by 30% by developing software to create 360°environments and inserting interactive hotspots.
  • Increased sales by 5% by implementing a feature to store the results obtained by the user in a SQL database, which attracted potential customers.
  • Translated design specification into bug-free functional features according to coding conventions (name assignment, comments, language directive, etc.)
    • Calculated from user surveys, before and after the feature implementation.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords : WebGL - Database - Strategic thinking - Communication - Time management - VR - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / phpMyAdmin / Oculus Go / Oculus Quest.
  • Developed a multiplayer dungeon defender 3D VR game. Formed a team of programmers to work with me on this personal project idea.
  • Supervised a team of 4 software developers and led weekly discussions to brainstorm software development ideas and monitor progress.
  • Built efficient and reusable source code. Increased player entertainment by 80%* by implementing well-designed weapons, spells and VR combat system.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords : Team leading - Collaboration - Creativity - 3D environment - Animation - Rendering - Unity collaborate - VR - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / Blender / Oculus Rift S
  • Developed a full-3D anatomy software that will be used as of September 2020 by doctors to train medical students in anatomy.
  • Increased student anatomy visualization capacity by 150%* by implementing a scalable multi-directional, multi-angular 3D body anatomy preview system.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords Learning platform - Team leading - Time management - Agile method - Problem solving - UI - 3D Models - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / Git / Slack.
  • Developed a VR critical care unit serious game to train health professionals in near-realistic conditions by simulating the tasks they are required to perform.
  • Increased feeling of immersion for the player by 70%* by implementing a dialogue system with an AI nurse using voice recognition.
  • Cooperated with designers, programmers, doctors and testers from Canada to bring suggestions from an idea to a released feature.
  • Reduced meeting time by 30% by preparing detailed reports on project specifications and activities.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords : AI - Voice recognition - Animation - JSON data parsing - Animation - 3D Modeling - VR - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / Blender / Git / phpMyAdmin / Oculus Rift.
  • Reworked in autonomy a solo serious game, aiming to train workers in risk prevention, implementing an instructive and gammified experience.
  • Reduced the speed of execution by 15% by reworking an old project code architecture while implementing VR to enable VR training.
    • Calculated from user surveys, before and after the feature implementation.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords : Serious game - Troubleshooting - Performance improvement - Autonomy - Gamification - Animation - VR - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / Trello / Oculus Rift S.
  • Development of a solo tourist VR experience to travel through China using 360° videos. Implemented VR interactions to gamify the experience.
  • mproved the user-experience by 40%* by implementing a user-friendly interface using ray-casting.
  • Showcased and explained the application to about 600 guests in 2 days at a trade show and received more than 90% positive feedback.
    • Calculated from user surveys, before and after the feature implementation.
Detailed Description
  • Keywords : Project optimization - Independent thinking - Autonomy - Immersion - UI - VR - C#.
  • Tools : Unity / Adobe Premiere Pro / Trello / Oculus Go.
  • Activity planning & oversight for disabled children.
  • Team management and training of newcomers.