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Sahbi Gargouri

Digital transformation lead

Sahbi Gargouri
Paris (75001) France
Professional Status
About Me
IT manager in a subsidiary of a banking group, with experience managing teams and projects.
Fueled by my passion for change and continuous improvement.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Solution Architect – IT Manager (30 ETP)
    • Design of the target technical architecture of client portal platform
    • Architecture design and implementation of the SSO solution
    • Initiation and guidelines definition for the API Management program
    • Cloud strategy definition
    • Organization and change management of
      Agile transformation
    • The lead of the DevOps chapter
    • Contribution in craftsmanship taskforce
    • Ensure the realization of innovative projects: Online onboarding process and digital invoice deposit process
    • Technical environment: WSO2, Angular,
      J2EE, Salesforce, OCR, Jenkins, Aldon,
  • La Banque Postale - Solution Architect
    • Design and setup of applicative architecture
    • Setup of the technical environment on AWS cloud
    • Animation of prototyping workshops with the stakeholders to create a storyboard
    • Team member recruiting
  • Ageas Sicavonline - Technical Advisor
    • Animation of design workshops with the project team to make technological choices
  • HR-Boost change
    • Ideation of Boost Change App
    • Design and construction of technical
    • Monitoring and management of the
    • Presentation of the solution to the group
      business product owners
  • Retail Mobile Wallet
    • Steering of the pilot stage of concluded R&D projects
    • Feasibility studies and technological choices
    • Brainstorming and meetings animation
    • Projects architecture design and implementation
    • Methodologies and tools setup
    • Various projects planning & organization
    • Product integration strategy setup
    • Budget & staffing management
    • Technical environment: Cloud platforms: Bluemix and AWS, Ultrasonic, Beacon, BLE, Lifi, NFC, Wifi, iOS, iWatch, Android, API connect, PHP, HCE.
  • Head of the mobile unit
    • Mobile strategy definition
    • Recruitment and management of
      development team
    • Project structure template design for
      Android and iOS apps
    • Lead of the development of SHELL
      YES App
    • Design and development of different
      internal mobile apps
    • Technical environment: iOS, Android,
      Codova, PhoneGap
  • MLTF, Risk analysis :
    • Money laundering module design & implementation
    • Name matching algorithms review & optimization
    • Changes and evolutions management
    • Product team management
    • Architecture committee member
    • Clients: Ikano bank, Reise bank, HSH bank, Ipex, Wupsil...
    • Technical Environment: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, SOAP Web Services, WSDL, JSP, Jasper Reports, JFreeChart, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, Tomcat, WebLogic, DbVisualizer.
  • MedienDB:
    A system connected to database of media, which makes the marketing materials of our client (OSRAM)  available worldwide. The database system contains media updated photos and graphic files of products manufactured by OSRAM. Subsidiaries worldwide have daily access to the system and use it to find pictures or graphics files according to their needs (size and desired format)
    • Maintenance and system optimization
      Technical environment:
    • JAVA, Apache, Tomcat, Oracle.
Company Description
"think tank AG is an IT consulting and software development company. Our approach is to successfully apply innovative IT technologies and methods to help our customers realizing innovation."
Company website
  • Implementation of a software system to control and maintain laptops and desktops  in the company.
  • Design and implementation of a diagnostic application for a new disease.

    Collaboration with the project team
    Analysis and design specifications
    Implementation and documentation of the solution.
    Technical environment:
    StarUML, Dreamweaver, PHP5, Wamp Server, MySQL