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Rihab Zarrai Touss

Digital Communicator and fundraiser

Rihab  Zarrai Touss
42 years old
Ghazela (2081) Tunisia
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
To pursue a career in communication where I will be able to apply my strong knowledge of the industry and my ability to combine creativity with efficiency to achieve performance-based strategic and innovative solutions for the company and its clients.

J'aimerais obtenir un emploi où je mettrai à profit mes connaissances en communication , en management ainsi que ma capacité à allier créativité et efficacité grâce à mon esprit ouvert et à mon sens aigu de la synthèse. Mes aptitudes à raisonner en terme de résultats, à analyser et à visualiser l’ensemble des composantes d’un projet me permettent de concevoir des solutions de communication stratégiques et novatrices afin de répondre aux mieux aux objectifs de l’entreprise et de ses clients.
  • Edatis operates since 2000 in the field of e-marketing by presenting to the TPE / SMEs solutions in
    Saas mode initially dedicated to major accounts. After Xeomail and Xeofolio, platforms dedicated to Email Marketing and Crea Mobile, Edatis launches Xeodata, the BI tool that centralises multi-source data and allows to optimally exploit it through decisional dashboards and marketing actions ROI http://www.edatis.com
    Setting email campaigns for customers.
    Audit the HTML code of crea to optimize the completion of the campaign.
    Configuration, segmentation, optimization of customer databases.
    Train customers in "Full Autonomy" mode to the use of the company's Dialog platform.
    A follow-up of their activity is also ensured in order to retain them, to accustom them to our tools and to guarantee the optimal results and coaching.
    Reporting and activity reports are regularly prepared and sent to clients, allowing them to analysis the performance of their webmarketing actions.
    A senior coaching role was attributed to me, to help for integration and training of new recruits.
     My achievements are visible on this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byvz9PB-pbHlMHVrOXN0R0RJWmc