>>Consultant EAI / SOA webMethods
GSS - Defence - 92 France - CDI - January 2011, In Progress
Maintenance (corrective & scalable) of existing flows, data exchange between different entities SGSS.
Drawing up of detailed specs and other design documenent
Design and development of new exchange projects (INVOICE, KAG Munchen, DBK, NT92, MT321
Level 3 support and bug tracking via Synergy Change.
Design with Enterprise Architect
Interchange Format: File, XML, SWIFT message JMS, MQSeries
Channel exchanges: JMS, JDBC, FTP, FilePolling, S2A, Batch U $
>Consultant EAI / SOA webMethods
>>GDF Suez - Saint Ouen, France - Teaching Assistant - September 2010, Decembre 2010
Development of trade flows EAI Operating the base INES. Working with a team project: LOGICA
Junior Consultant EAI WebMethods V7
SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS - La Defense, France - CDD - July 2010, July 2010
Development of trade flows of documents with partners.
updating and adding services flow mapping of the elements.
SAP IDOC mapping
Preparation of documents: technical specifications, delivery, migration and testing.
deployment environment TEST
notification by mail generated with template
JDBC adapt, and mailing filePolling
Monitoring BAM
Consultant EAI / SOA / MDM
SoftComputing - 75015 PARIS, France - CDI - April 2010, In Progress
MasterDataManagement, Creating Marketing by reference in EBX.plateform - OrchestraNetwork.
EAI / SOA, WebMethods Training in V7 and V8. creative services, BPM and workflow mastery.
>>Ramdn Corporation - France - Student project - January 2009, March 2009
>>Creation of a multiplayer online game - Monopoly 3D
>Assistant Webmaster
>>FNOTSI - Paris, France - CDD - June 2006, September 2006
>>Development and maintenance of web sites of the company. Webmastering activities and management of projects.
>Web Developer
>>IDPROCESS Consulting - France - CDI - February 2007, June 2007
>>Develop the website of the company, a showcase site to present the company and its business partners and for future collaborateurs.http: / / XHTML 1.1 and
www.idprocess.fr CSS.Des dynamic modules are expected to register claims and job offers.
>Web Developer
>>Evasion.net - CDD - September 2004, June 2005
>>Development and maintenance of official website of the company:
http://www.zenvoyages.comMaintenance and improvement of back-office management system products ligne.Création application XML / PHP for the extraction of knowledge and power of the database.
Java, J2EE, JSF, Struts, C, Visual Basic
NetBeans, Eclipse, Dreamweaver, ZendStudio
Ebx.plateform, v7 & v8 WebMethods, SOA, BPM
HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, Zend Framework, FTP, Flash, Photoshop, Director, Windows, Linux
MQSeries, JMS, SWIFT, Continuus, EnterpriseArchitect, UML, Merise, Power AMC Designer