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Rémi Bois

NLP student

Rémi Bois
35 years old
Driving License
Laval (53000) France
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Thanks to my different formations and activities, I managed to learn many skills useful to computer science.

As I have been president of a student assocation composed of 100 members for two years, I have been training my skills for working in cooperation, writing reports and communicating with ease. I also passed a first year in english litterature and civilization giving me a good level in english and enlarging my knowledge in linguistics.

My work as a web writer allowed me to cover well known events such as the Utopiales of Nantes.

These diverse skills are used in my everyday studying and working in computer science.

Single-document Summarization in the medical domain

Dublin City University (DCU)
May 2013 to July 2013
  • Improving and adapting to french the Khreshmoi summarizer
  • Wrote a paper, published in TALN 2014 (French NLP conference)
Detailed Description
  • Worked on state-of-the-art algorithms for automatic summarization