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quentin lallia


quentin lallia
28 years old
Paris (75016) France
Professional Status
  • Optimize real-time mobile advertising campaigns
  • Buy in RTB (Real Time Bidding) on mobile adexchanges
  • Participate in the good campaign management: traffic, optimization, campaign reporting
  • Analyze and report on mobile advertising campaigns
  • Support for internal and external communication at Kabo Family
  • Head of marketing and communication at VDM (acquired by Kabo Family)
  • Sale of computer software by phone in BtoB
  • Creating a client database
  • Making appointments
  • Accountant (Accounting Provider and accounting general)

A level in economics

lycée saint jean de passy Paris 16eme

September 2001 to June 2013
High school diploma with honors


école supérieure des sciences commerciales d'Angers

Since August 2013
Master specialized in digital marketing (Bac + 5)
  • Member of the ESSCA Student Office, in 2016-2017
    Appartenant au pôle "animation" nous avions pour travail de trouver réserver, planifier, budgétiser et organiser toute les soirées de notre BDE
  • Treasurer of an association at ESSCA
    Responsable de la trésorerie de l'association à Paris ( j'étais aussi en collaboration avec le trésorier angevin pour les événements en commun avec les deux campus)
  • Office pack : Excel , Word et PowerPoint
  • Fusio Dsp and adserver
  • LiquidM Dsp
  • Driving licence
  • Boating licence
  • French : fluent
  • Anglais level : C1
  • Espagnol level : B1
  • hanball in competition (participation of the championship of France during high school)
  • soccer
  • kite surfing
  • Video games