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Prescilla CONNAN

MSc Strategic Marketing graduate | Looking for Marketing Executive positions

Prescilla CONNAN
28 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
About Me
| Looking for a full-time position |

Enthusiastic about strategic marketing, I have a real interest in product & brand management.

On to the next adventure, I want to use the power of marketing to create unforgettable and magical experiences for consumers. My objective is to join the world of leisure and entertainment – parks and resorts, consumer products, licensed products, studio entertainment, but also show/event management and baby/toy industry.

Graduated from the ESSEC Business School in 2017, I recently completed my MSc Strategic Marketing degree at Imperial College, London.

For any further information, feel free to contact me at prescilla.connan18@imperial.ac.uk
  • | Website |
    Developed website design for SteerVision LLC (USA based subsidiary) and managed image libraries
  • | Printed and digital supports |
    Produced various digital and printed supports using Photoshop, InDesign and Microsoft Office software such as booklets for executive teams facilitation, printed/digital brochures, and branded visuals
  • l E-mailing |
    Generated e-mailing campaigns – wrote content, planned and supervised sending process, and evaluated results. Highest number of clicks achieved (3% click rate) and 20% open rate
  • | Brand management |
    Monitored creation of a range of custom textiles personalized with KA MATE Strategy and SteerVision LLC brand images from choice of suppliers to delivery of items
  • | Events |
    Organised a corporate photo shoot – choice of photograph, organisation of agendas, and final choice of photos for social network
  • | PR |
    Participated to LinkedIn communication campaigns, contacted various medias as Who’s Who and 24 Presse
  • | Support |
    Collaborated closely with Vice-President – reflection on marketing strategy for KA MATE Group, research of databases, professional exhibitions, development of American subsidiary