Game Design work at Eugen Systems (Paris, France), makers of top strategy games like "Act of War", "R.U.S.E.", etc ...
I worked on AAA video games projects at the Game Design departement during 6 months. One of the games was top hit "Wargame : European Escalation". (Published by Focus Home Interactive)
My initial tasks were :
Historical researches
Game Design work on "Wargame: European Escalation" and an other project.
Gameplay tests
Level Design tests
Help the tools department to improve internal softwares.
Etc ...
Detailed Description
I tried to reach 50% of the skill level of other very talented game designers
Reading books of 400 pages written in foreign language just to take four viable informations
Working on a very exciting and interesting project, without being credited at the end of the game
Do my best, even without always succeeding.
I Spent six months on an internal homemade software just to randomly find on all the possible bugs and finally never understand how it really works.
Company Description
Eugen Systems is recognized as one of the best video games French companies for the quality of their productions and their professionalism. Their Act of War series has sold over 600,000 copies around the world only on PC platform. Eugen Systems is also a great graphic engine makers company as seen on R.U.S.E. (PC, PS3, XboX 360) and Wargame (PC) with the IrisZoom Engine.