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Oussama Nidhal Ben Elhadj Hammouda

Oussama Nidhal Ben Elhadj Hammouda

Student CV

25 ans
kallaat el andalous (2022) Tunisie
Etudiant En recherche active

Television Skills

Al Jazera

Depuis décembre 2017
several courses offered by Aljazera institute in tele-body language skills , content instructor , Prepare the interview , ...

The Online Marketing fundamentals

GOOGLE and iab Europe

Depuis août 2017
The Online Marketing fundamentals is an intensive program presented by GOOGLE and iab Europe , The program introduces the tools that help in the growth of digital business, especially in Digital Marketing and prepares trainees to enter the career path they want .

Social Engineering and Manipulation


Depuis mai 2017
The Social Engineering and Manipulation course, Provide trainees with the tools that help them to defend against social engineering tactics used by criminal hackers. By studying how these hackers operate and think .

Child Mental Health


Depuis août 2016
A 4-week course prendented by Dr .Hichem Hamouda (Harvard University ) covering a series of mental health issues for children and adolescents.

Baccalaureate in Mathematics

Kallaat el Andalous

Septembre 2014 à juillet 2018