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Olivier Pitton

Olivier Pitton

Senior Java Software Engineer

36 years old
Driving License
Paris France
Available soon Unavailable
Senior Java Software Engineer at AODocs, passionate about Java platform, distributed programming and Big Data. Teaching at Jussieu about backend development for the past 8 years.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Working in Java 8 / 11 on micro services around a monolith backend. I am focused on eSignature (DocuSign / Adobe Sign), Mail (SendGrid mostly), Print (Docx / PDF aggregation) and File Templating (Apache POI).
  • Working with Java 8 on the distributed index engine.
    Support for functions / expressions in indexes (to be able to index the output of a function)
    Support SQL schema
    Adding column privilege on SQL table
    Always focus on optimization (parallel load from JDBC, date function, ...)
    HashMap size scales up to more than 2 GB
    Support of external tables (Snowflake / BigQuery / Redshift / Impala ...)
  • Development in Java 8 on Amazon Web Services (EC2, SQS, S3, Aurora)
  • Using Play! Framework, MySQL, Hibernate
  • Migration from a backend monolith to a micro service architecture
  • Development in Java 7 on Google Cloud Platform. I used the whole set of products (Bigquery, Datastore, Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Storage)
  • Virtual machines administration with Windows / Linux on Compute Engine and Amazon EC2
  • Creation of a traffic analysis engine with Bigquery
  • Develoment of a billing module (subscription, discount, ...) with Braintree provider.
  • Writing distributed algorithms in order to improve 3D model geometry (~ 1000 VM)
  • Micro services architecture (Java 8, Vert.x) for 3D processing / PDF generation
  • Depth reseach on GC implementation and memory management.
  • Rewriting some code on HotSpot VM (timestamp during reference update for the concurrent-marking phase in G1).
  • Add a Linux NUMA API that we can use from Java with JNI (numa.h)
  • Make some comparative benchmarks (SPECJBB 2005, Dacapo, Lusearch) in order to find troubles in GC
Company Description
Laboratoire de recherche en Informatique de Jussieu
Company website
  • Development in Java 6.
  • Introduction in asset management
  • Increasing bottom layer performance and database access
  • Huge contribution in some features : data audit, JavaScript engine (Rhino), data aggregation.
  • Creating a licensing server with EclipseLink / Netty / GWT / GXT.