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olivier Duval

Sales Manager in IT SW

olivier Duval
Paris Region (78) France
Professional Status
About Me
After 10 years sales experience, I started in 1998 a management role continuously enriched thru different job responsibilities, structures, geographies or offering portfolio.

These business experiences were extended by professional development in both Consultative / C Level selling and a part time MBA Program.

I have a specific interest in managing business challenging situations or Business development areas in which I can express my specific business improvement competencies:
  • Strategic thinking
  • Creativity
  • Team leverage

I strongly believe in people, teams and creative management skills to get performance, pleasure and pride and make a real business impact.

Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Industry & Retail SW Leader

IBM SW Group
Since 2014
  • Develop IBM SW shares in top French international accounts
  • Enable IBM sales teams on developing LOB CxO's relationships

France MidMarket + MSP & ISV SW Sales Manager

IBM SW Group
January 2013 to December 2013
  • Gain Market shares
  • Enable IBM Sales teams to efficiently address MSP/ ISV market needs
Detailed Description
  • 5% year on year growth on a flat market
  • Significant growth on MSP/ISV in H2
  • Change in Product Mix with large increase in Solution selling

SW Manager Mid Market France

IBM SW Group
April 2012 to December 2012
  • Lead the channel SW team to leverage on BPLM Program
  • Lead the marketing team to build strong pipeline
  • Lead the Sales team to get revenue & profit objectives
  • Develop the Solution SW Selling and recruit new partners
  • All IBM SW Group brand scope
Detailed Description
  • 127% target attainment

SW Sales manager ICS (IBM Social Business) Entreprises France

January 2011 to December 2011
  • Responsible for developing IBM SW business within top 1000 Enterprise in France.
  • 42% Transactional Growth compared to 2010
  • 58% Signings Growth compared to 2010
  • Significant Cloud Computing Team mental move
  • Team reenergized
Detailed Description
  • Key Job characteristics: Hyper fragmented market crossing all activities / sectors, Direct + Indirect Sales & Marketing Management
  • Key Learnings :
    1. Key priorities settings to enhance team members efficiency
    2. Embark cross team within & outside the company scope
    3. Combination of Indirect and direct Businesses to leverage growth
Company Description
IBM Collaboration Solutions SW regroup all Collaborative SW Technologies, people focused and document sharing enabled that allow the next profitable Innovation step.

Banking / Insurance Lotus Manager

IBM Software Group
January 2009 to January 2011
  • Results : Business multiplied by 6 in 2 years
  • MS Winback AXA on Intranet Collaborative Portal
  • Groupama Social business development
  • BNPP Collaborative Businesses
  • Building of new Alliance Network with System Integrators
  • Full IBM alignment on Lotus Portfolio
Detailed Description
  • Key Learnings:
    1. Align company teams to a shared vision
    2. Action plans perfect execution in a highly political context.
    3. Sharing and usage within team of influencer, Power map and all Customer Value Method tools (High Value Consultative selling)
Company Description
Insurance & Banking is IBM WW & France top 1 sector.
The collaborative landscape is highly competitive (Open, Oracle & Microsoft ). each market share point is hard to obtain and maintain.

Top Corporate Partner Executive

IBM Business Partner France
January 2007 to December 2008
  • 2008 Results : + 19% revenue with 78 M€
  • 2007 Results : +27% revenue & IBM representing 111% HP revenue vs 50% in 2006
Detailed Description
  • Key Learnings:
    1. Find new / different ways to position partners within IBM
    2. Identify key value trigger within partners stakeholders and decision makers to allow IBM revenue profitable growth
    3. Manage Partner & IBM objectives and interests
Company Description
I was responsible for the top IBM Business Partners (BP) with SCH Group, Computacenter, Adequat Group as well as key winback partners like APX.

General manager

ADEQUAT group France
January 2005 to December 2006
    • 32% revenue and + 50 % profit
  • Adequat recognized as one of the top 3 IBM BP in France
  • Alliance Strategy definition and implementation
  • Teams re-focused on global IT selling
Detailed Description
  • Key Learnings:
    1. Work within a 120p company vs a 400 000p company ...
    2. Adapt Style, Culture by keeping the best and killing the superfluous
    3. Manage Adequat and IBM objectives
    4. Imagine, propose and convince on new business development which are fairly different compare to a successful company history
Company Description
ADEQUAT was a key IBM Business Partner in HW business.
They were seeking new profitable revenue sources to further develop the group to be prepared to a future potential low HW margin constraint.

Sales Director Europe - SMB

IBM Global Financing Europe
January 2001 to January 2004
Paris - London
  • 1.5 B € Financing Business
  • Results : SMB share in 2004 => 29% vs 19% in 2000
  • Organic growth at +3pts compared to market growth
  • IGF Europe as WW Best Practice
  • Increase in productivity : 12%
Detailed Description
  • Key Learnings :
    1. EMEA Sales Director position
    2. How to manage 2nd lines managers
    3. How to work with a true WW proximity
    4. C Level teaming
Company Description
IGF is the Financing captive for IBM ww. IGF EMEA GM strategic objective was to reach SMB as 25% of his revenue stream.

Sales Director Europe

IBM Global Financing Europe
January 2001 to January 2004
Dublin - London
  • Call Center - 400 M €
  • Missions : Develop the European call center
  • Results : +250 M€ Financing production
  • IGF.com Europe « Best Practice »
  • Productivity = 1.5 x IGF average
Detailed Description
  • Key Learnings:
    1. Discover call centers realities (processes, employees)
    2. Business case building at EMEA / WW level
    3. Manage sucess in a high political scope
Company Description
IGF is the Financing captive for IBM ww. IGF EMEA GM strategic objective was to build an .com / call center engine to allow new & low cost business stream.

Regional Director

January 1998 to December 2000
Reims - Nancy - Metz
  • GB focused businesses
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Direct & Indirect Sales
  • Top 3 French regions performance
Detailed Description
  • Key Learnings:
    1. The power of attitude, climate & words
    2. How a shared vision can make a real difference within teams
    3. Build with teams & reward success
    4. The power of a team
Company Description
The East of France region was in a difficult market share position with personnel frustrated and with low motivation as a serial years low performance. The challenge here was to find new / different ways to operate + convince people to act this change fast & strong.


IBM France Normandie
January 1990 to January 1997
  • Sales : Objectives continuously overachieved
  • Customer Sales : Top Normand customers and ~20% growth / year
  • Business Partner Sales : Build new BP network