Experience from the private and public sector. Previously worked in fields concerning multilateral relations, international economics and strategy. I thrive in dynamic environments, and enjoy tasks that work towards generating value for society.
Helping launch the Embassy on Instagram by first checking social media protocols as outlined by the MFA, and created a strategy for the launch. Also made a long-term and sustainable guideline for Instagram use
Updating the website and Facebook page
Conducting research and writing political and economic reports for the MFA's intranet
Summarising and writing daily news updates for the staff
Actively participating in the recruitment process for the next intern, including reading CVs, cover letters and participating in their interviews
Major in Economics Courses: Macroeconomics, Microeonomics, Econometrics, Development Economics, Labour Economics, Behavioural Economics, Environmental Economics, Microeconomics. Average: B Thesis: Historical Price Indices in Norway (B)
Home School: NHH & Host School: Wirtschäftsuniversitet Wien. Courses: Global Careers, International Innovation Management, German, Global Management Practice
Three year BSc covering four main areas of business: Strategy, Methodolgy, Economics and Business Analysis. Average: B Semester abroad at University of Queensland, March-June 2015.