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Project/Content Manager

Project Management
Content Management
43 years old
Bruxelles (1000) Belgium
Professional Status
About Me
– Multilingual Communication
– Language Technology
– Strong Social Skills
– Project/Content Management
– Information Technology
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
Inclusive GIT branch naming
25 Jun 2024
“main” branch is used to avoid naming like “master” and  “slaves” branches “feature branch” for new feature or bug fix   The shift from using the term "master" to "main" in Git and other software development contexts is part of a broader movement to adopt more inclusive and neutral terminology in technology. Here are the key reasons and context behind this change:    
How to spot if a text has been AI generated
13 Jun 2024
Delve into the realms of terminology tools and discover how they can speed up your research, improve efficiency, and transform content accuracy.” Who uses "delve" in "today's world"?A few days ago I was in one of those mums WhatsApp chat and one of them was promoting her activity online on don't remember what. Thing is that what I remember was my reaction when I spotted immediately that her
Current Terminology Management Systems: designed to make you think hard
01 Jun 2019
Current TMSs have been developed according to the requirements defined by ISO standards for terminology management systems. Nevertheless, the process of creating a new entry is still very time-consuming. A couple of weeks ago, I have been contacted because of a post I wrote years ago on this blog (I guess they read this: How would a collaborative platform improve terminology work?). 
The new IATE is online. Take a look!
12 Nov 2018
The new version of IATE has a completely renewed look and feel, a more intuitive user interaction and better structured data. Its accessibility has been enhanced (keyboard and screen reader support) and its design is now responsive so that it can be accesses by any device. Search results are more accurate thanks to a detailed filtered search and a domain filtering. The display of the
You are doing terminology management all wrong. Here is why
03 Aug 2018
We all know the never-ending, love-hate relationship between translators and terminology… now, let’s explore some of the most common errors. Generally speaking, when thinking of terminology, we imagine a glossary, made of two parallel columns full of terms, with the source language on one side and the target language on the other. Easy. And what better than an Excel file for this type of
Terminology is the pinch of salt of translation
10 Jul 2018
Last May I went to beautiful Porto to attend Aptrad’s 2nd International Conference, where I gave my presentation on terminology from a #foodporn perspective 😂. The topic was: terminology VS salting food... If you think about it, salting food isn’t rocket science, but do you know what “a pinch of salt” actually looks like? How about the right way to sprinkle those crystals or flakes?
More than AI, terminology can tell you how something should be translated in the future
29 Sep 2017
Neural machine translation systems offer an opportunity for real progress in the quality of translations produced by machines. However, machine translation still produces unacceptably poor quality content, especially for established brands that (rightly) set a very high bar for their content and brand tone of voice (that can only be set by a good terminology work).  Given the huge effort
Come smettere di essere pagati a parola ma nei nostri termini
05 May 2017
Da tempo sui Social come Facebook e Twitter, i traduttori si stanno schierando contro un meccanismo che li spinge ad accettare lavori sottopagati: il pagamento per numero di parole. Il mercato è pieno di balordi, ma anche noi siamo bravi a rovinare il mercato accontentandoci di essere sottopagati, perché non siamo abili nella negoziazione con il cliente e lasciamo quasi sempre vincere lui,
How a terminologist can make your website great again
09 Jan 2017
Hi WordLovers and happy New Year! It is never too late to wish you all the fun you can and a wonderful 2017 ahead! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas holidays as much as I did and that you are finally back to work full of enthusiasm and positive energy. An article that I recently wrote as guest blogger was published during Christmas holidays by SDL Translation Zone and I know you enjoyed it
New resolutions for translators: let's start to tell a different story!
10 Nov 2016
Translating Europe Forum 2016 took place in the wonderful location of the European Commission in Brussels from 27th to 28th October. The discussion was centred around the translation tools and technologies, with a particular focus on the point of view of the end users - the translators themselves. Taking into consideration that the vast majority of translators tend to be apprehensive of
How would a collaborative platform improve terminology work?
06 Oct 2016
Terminology work has never been a solitary activity: terminologists need subject matter experts while subject matter experts often need the input from language specialists.Collaborative platforms can bring researches and experts closer together in a common strategy. I found my presentation I submitted for my ECQA certification in terminology management. In that presentation (see below) I
3 most effective usages of social media for terminology
16 Sep 2016
Networking, personal learning, and crowdsourcing of terminology work, are among the most effective usages of social media for terminology. 1) Networking: "Do what you love, love what you do... And then SHARE" Apart from expanding contacts and networking, terminologists can use social networks to get established as professionals who solve terminology problems. They can, for example, research
BabelNet: a Wide-Coverage Multilingual Dictionary
09 Aug 2016
BabelNet is the dictionary of the future, it provides the meanings of words with illustrations - and will soon come with videos and animation. It includes entities as well as words, so a search for apple produces results that contain a picture of fruit as well as the famous corporate logo.  His creator, RobertoNavigli, a computer scientist and associate professor at Sapienza
Consistent terminology is crucial for a user experience (UX)
14 Jul 2016
The User eXperience (UX) describes the interaction of a user with a website. It refers to the communication between the visual and textual data represented on the screen of the computer and the user. One could say that the UX is ‘the smell of a website’. How quickly a user can make decisions and how efficient he/she can ‘navigate’ a website depends on various factors which are studied by the
Perché io valgo! Ancora sulla ricerca terminologica in fattura
14 Jun 2016
Ho ricevuto molti commenti relativi all'ultimo post relativo all'integrazione del fattore della ricerca terminologica nella tariffa del traduttore. Tra tutti, il contributo di Elisa Farina mi è piaciuto particolarmente e ho deciso che valeva la pena trasformarlo in un post (previa autorizzazione di Elisa ovviamente!). Secondo Elisa, sarebbe forse più efficace integrare il fattore della
Perché nelle fatture dei traduttori non viene mai inclusa la voce "ricerca terminologica"?
05 Jun 2016
La terminologia non è un mero strumento a sostegno della traduzione, ma ha subito una profonda evoluzione, trovando numerosi campi di applicazione.  Oltre ai servizi linguistici, i terminologi lavorano nell’ambito della redazione tecnica, dell’editoria, dell’informazione e documentazione, della Ricerca & Sviluppo, della normalizzazione, nel settore giuridico e dei brevetti, nella
Web Content Enjoyneering: Come creare e tradurre contenuti per il web ed essere felici
04 Jun 2016
La Rete offre grandi opportunità e lo dico per esperienza personale. Al corso "Web Content Enjoyneering", che si svolgerà a Roma, l’11 giugno, esamineremo tutte le fasi della creazione dei contenuti web, dalle piattaforme più adatte ad ogni tipo di contenuto, passando per la traduzione dei contenuti, alla condivisione sui vari canali social. La mia vita è totalmente cambiata da quando
WordLo nominated for the Top 100 Language Lovers 2016!!!
22 May 2016
I am so excited to announce that my Twitter account “@WordLo” and this blog have been nominated for the Top 100 Language Lovers 2016!!! This competition is organized by language portal now for the 9th time.  I’m honored to be among so many talented language lovers and of course of invite you to vote for all of them: Terminologia etc. In my Own
Pubblicare in rete: consigli e trucchi per guadagnare visibilità
03 May 2016
Oggi alle 18:30 io e Andrea Spila terremo un webinar gratuito presso la European School of Translation intitolato "Pubblicare in rete: consigli e trucchi per guadagnare visibilità". Perché per un professionista è importante scrivere online, condividere contenuti e interessi? La risposta sta in una sola parola: per la visibilità. Oggi per poter essere trovati è importante essere online.
Terminology: everywhere to be found, nowhere to be seen
09 Feb 2016
Next Friday, on the 12th of February, I will be at the University of Verona for the workshop: ‘Il kit del traduttore, dalla teoria alla pratica’. The workshop is a free event providing translators with insights about the new frontiers of translation and how to improve branding and online visibility. The aim of the workshop is also to show translators how to
Corpus Italiano: corpus of contemporary Italian texts from the web
21 Jan 2016
This corpus of contemporary Italian texts from the web was created in the context of the project PAISÀ with the aim to provide a large resource of freely available Italian texts for language learning by studying authentic text materials. It constitutes a unique language resource for Italian in combining the following features: corpus of web texts (harvested in September/October 2010) composed
Extract terms from a URL
11 Jan 2016
This tool extracts the terms from one English web page retrieved from your URL. Some extracted and translated terms may not be relevant to you. If requested, the terms can be machine translated and stored in a monolingual or bilingual output format. The translation of these terms happens out of context, so most likely they need to be checked and corrected before using them in a translation
The Monco corpus search engine
11 Jan 2016
The Monco corpus search engine: "Language changes as we speak. New words and new senses of familiar words are coined and recorded in dictionaries every year. Daily frequencies of 'content words' vary immensely as they are chosen to report events in the media. Words such as ‘vape’, ‘hangry’ or ‘emoji’ are either heavily under-represented or not present at all in reference corpora of English which
Hacking your translations with glossaries
10 Jul 2015
A glossary helps you to make sure that each time a defined term appears in your translation project, it is used consistently and correctly. You have to spend time to save time. Our whole career as modern-day translators spins around technological devices, and time is always short. Learning how to set up our CAT tools and every other translation software known to man, takes a lot of time.
What vitamins can teach you about translation
09 Jun 2015
Words are like vitamins, more effective in their natural context. Vitamins naturally in food are not crystalline and never isolated. Vitamins found in any real food are chemically and structurally different from those commonly found in ‘natural vitamin’ formulas and are far superior to their synthetic counterparts. As vitamins, words, taken within their natural context, are more effective