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Nicolas Blay

Nicolas Blay

Project event manager assistant

30 years old
Caluire-et-Cuire (69300) France
Unemployed Available
22yo rencently graduated from the BBA INSEEC in Lyon, France (spe: Innovation & Intrapreneurship); I'm looking for a position in the underground dance-music scene as an assistant for an event project manager. I've been a music fan for a long time, and have grown crazy about the dance-music scene, specially it's underground representation. I had the opportunity of working in the dance-music scene for 6 months in 2015 with Dance Trippin TV in Amsterdam, Netherlands; where I learnt how to engage & maintain discussion with famous and unknown labels and the basics of working in such a world. I'm creative, motivated; imaginative & always on the look for new experiences. I've realized most of my internships in small structures, where I learnt to minimize at the maximum the costs while keeping the results similar.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Contact labels & artist to let them know about potential promotional contents
  • Reorganize the database
  • Help with some ground work
  • Management of the Youtube & Soundcloud accounts
  • Promotional posters creation
  • Help with ground work
  • Meeting with a designer
  • Social media management
  • Writing & send-out of the newsletter
  • Re-making of a visit card in English; Spanish & French
  • Help to organize a medical symposium
  • Lead of the feedback
  • Contact the speakers & doctors
  • Management of the Excel database
  • Clients welcoming
  • Help & orientation of the clients
  • Store shelving

Baccalauréat Economic & Social Sciences

Sainte Marie Lyon

September 2004 to June 2011
French diploma preparation & validation.


ECE - INSEEC - Ecole de Commerce Européenne

August 2011 to June 2015
International business & marketing formation, with an Innovation & Intrapreneurship specialization in the last year. The ECE (BBA INSEEC) diploma is recognized by the French State.
  • Contact event's participers
  • Planning of the trips
    Hotels & taxis bookings; Help the participers while on place
  • Presence during the event
  • Feedback collection
    Writing of a feedback questionnary; collection of answers; organization in a database & presentation to the marketing managers' board
  • english (fluent)
  • spanish (medium)
  • Dutch (basics)
  • French : mother tongue
  • Newsletter writing & send-out
    I know how to write a newsletter & how to use a newsletter editor (as MailChimp)
  • Adobe inDesign & Photoshop
    I know how to create promotional images with Adobe's Photoshop & inDesign
  • Organize & keep updated an online & offline database
  • Contact & negotiate with labels
  • Organize an event & ensure its good functioning
  • Writing promotional texts
  • Lead a feedback research
  • Use of Sphinx
  • Use of social media overwatch
  • Discovering new countries
  • Discovering new people
  • Discovering new cultures & way of living
  • Learning from the differences between two people
  • Concerts
  • Parties
  • Expositions
  • Visits
  • Indie movies
  • Blockbusters
  • Going to the cinema
  • Sci-Fi
  • Fantasy
  • History
  • Biographies
  • Modern
  • Discovering new artists & producers
  • Going to concerts/parties
  • Negotiating with artists & labels