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Nathalie Tschill

Nathalie Tschill

Multi-skilled administrator [Gestionnaire administrative polyvalente]

39 years old
Driving License
Toulouse (31000) France
Employed Open to opportunities
I have 5 years of experiences in art and cultural industry qualifed in payroll, accounting, sales administration and management organization, used to work with creative people in France and overseas and confident with administration software. Possess a Bachelor Degree in Top Buisness School

By now i work as IT application support agent, expending my skills in data processing tools and IT network.

I am client focus, patient and I have a strict methodology.

I also want to be part of a team, share my abilities and learn from others

I am open to opportunities, even more if that push me forward consulting or continual improvement purposes.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Private funding program for culturals and artistics activities

Agence Lizarine

November 2011 to December 2011
  • Legal system and fiscal measures of sponsoring
  • skill-based sponsoring legal system
  • Strategic dimension of cultural sponsoring
  • Methodology for implementation of a private partnership policy at the heart of a cultural association

[Formation sur le financement privé des activités culturelles et artistiques
-Le dispositif juridique et fiscal du mécénat.
-Le dispositif juridique du mécénat de compétence.
-La dimension stratégique du mécénat culturel. -La méthode de la mise en œuvre d’une politique de partenariats privé au cœur d’une association culturelle.
-La méthode efficace de recherche de partenaires. ]

Bachelor degree Top School of Business Entrepreneurship, organization and consulting

Ecole de Management de Strasbourg

September 2008 to June 2009
Study program :
  • Management skills
  • Bargaininnsg and social relations
  • Management and personality
  • Tecnological watch and business intelligence
  • Labour law
  • Research methodology in management and organisation
  • Dynamics of organisations
  • Strategy, complexity and change
  • Management control
  • Market finance
  • Statistic and decision making tools
  • Business intelligence
  • Project management

[Master 1 Ecole de Commerce Entrepreneuriat, organisation et consulting

Programme d'étude :
  • Habileté de direction
  • Négociation et relations sociales
  • Management et personnalité
  • Veille technologique et économique
  • Droit du travail
  • Méthodologie de recherche en management et organisation
  • Dynamique des Organisations
  • Stratégie, complexité et changement
  • Contrôle de gestion
  • Finance de marché
  • Management financier
  • Outils statistiques d'aide à la décision
  • Intelligence économique
  • Pilotage de projet]
Details and Extracurriculars
  • 2011 : One year studying to Alcala
    de Henares University, Madrid - SPAIN
  • 2010 : One year off to complete Junior Communication Offiser intership
    Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg - FRANCE
  • 2009 : 6 month Junior Task officer communication concil
    Telecom Object Strasbourg - FRANCE
  • 2009 : Research paper writing : organisationals impacts of metaverses as Second Life upon users companies
    (Mémoire : Impacts organisationnels de metavers tels que Second Life sur les entreprises utilisatrices)
    • Involvement with the round-table of the future discussion 2de edition, The company and the virtual reality (Participation aux tables rondes du futurs 2ème Edition, L'entreprise et la réalité virtuelle)
    • Qualitatif interviews (Interviews qualitative) : CCI Alsace, Cisco, Reperes, Red Act, BNP
  • 2009 : Participation to seminar about Buisiness Plan conception and project risk management with FMEA method - Failure Mode Effects Analysis (Participation à des séminaires sur la conception d’un plan d’affaire et la gestion des risques associés à un projet par la méthode AMDEC - Analyse des modes de défaillances, de leurs effets et de leur criticité).
This course is designed for International and non-UK students from the European Union and builds upon the students existing engineering skills and introduces them to the key aspects of managing a company in an engineering based organisation. Students develop an integrated understanding of operations management, process improvement methods and develop the appropriate management skills required in this demanding management environment.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Buisness Plan and company simulation over 3 years
    • Vanue analysis
    • Technical and financial feasibility study
    • Financial plan over 3 years
      (Plan d'affaires - Simulation d'entreprise sur 3 ans
    • Analyse de la valeur
    • Étude de faisabilité technique et financière)
    • Plan financier projeté sur 3 ans

Two-years technical degree (DUT)

IUT de Nantes

September 2004 to June 2006
Industrial Logistics, Quality and organization spécialization in Information system and human ressources

Training of higher technician in Quality and Logistics able to :
  • Steer a production unit
  • Handle stuff and information trafic
  • Manage team work
  • Keep watch the production and control products
  • Animat a quality system

[Qualité, Logistique Industrielle et Organisation spécialisation en systèmes d'informations ressources humaines

Former des techniciens supérieurs en Qualité et Logistique capables de :
  • Piloter une unité de production,
  • Gérer la circulation des matières et des informations,
  • Manager les équipes de travail,
  • Surveiller la production et contrôler les produits,
  • Animer un système qualité.]
Details and Extracurriculars
  • o 2006 : 3 month Junior project officer continuous improvement
    Cenibra Cellulose Ipatinga - BRASIL
  • o 2005 : 3 month Junior task officer logistics concil
    Alliance Healthcare Poitiers - FRANCE

High School Diploma (Baccalauréat)

Lycée Victor Hugo

September 2000 to June 2003
Scientific mathematical option

[Spécialisation scientifique option mathématique]
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Mathématique