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Appointment consultant (Recruitment of profiles Frames - Develop the customer wallet via the prospecting - Hold commercial negotiations with the customers - candidate Sourcing: on internet database or fishpond)

30 años
Permiso de conducir
Strasbourg (67100) Francia
Status profesional
Abierto a oportunidades
  • Journeys tourist (Spain, Morocco, Tunisia)
  • Journeys cultural (Germany, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands)
  • Economic magazines(reviews) ( economic alternatives)
  • Spanish newspaper (el graze)
  • Soccer player (have a practice since the age of 6 years in club)
  • Trainer of football (since 2011): assure the learning of the football young children (11-13 years) within a club of football. In parallel, learning of the rules of life (punctuality, politeness, lifestyle) which are important in this period of their age