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Alexandre Morgaut

Web Architect

Alexandre Morgaut
49 years old
Nantes Area France
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Principal interest in Web architectures.Application Developer, Webmaster, Database Administrator, and Project Manager in a wide variety of web and intranet applications over the years. Always looking to new technologies and best practices.

Web standard mailing lists participations.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Participate to the code and architecture of the Wakanda project
  • Organize Wakanday / JS.everywhere() conferences
  • Present Sessions and Workshops in JavaScript/Web/NoSQL Conferences & Meetups
  • Provides Support to the Wakanda Community
  • Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
  • Automotive and Web Platform Business Group
  • Client and Server JavaScript APIs Community Group
  • Device APIs Working Group
  • Model-Based User Interfaces Working Group
  • Protocols and Formats Working Group
  • System Applications Working Group
  • Web Applications Working Group
  • Promote Web Standards in conferences and Meetups
  • Manage 4D employees participation to W3C Working groups
  • Wakanda Project
  • Participation on the specifications of
  • SSJS APIs (XHR, Files, DataStore, sessions, HTTP server, ...)
  • Model Database approach
  • Debugger, GUI Designer, Code Editor, Model Editor, Admin
  • Widgets architecture
  • Development:
  • CommonJS Module implementation
  • Debugger User Interface
  • Specifications of Web Technologies in 4D products:
  • new HTTP Server
  • HTTP client API
  • PHP Execute command
  • PDO_4D PECL module
  • SSL support enhancement
  • Communication / Participation / Support
  • Events:
  • PHP Forum Paris 2009
  • JSConf.eu 2009at-jsconf-eu/
  • The Ajax Experience 2009
  • Web:
  • 4D Forums
  • Wakanda Blog
  • User groups discussions (NoSQL, CommonJS, JSLint, REST, ...)
  • Meetups:
  • French NoSQL User Group
  • French Scrum User Group
  • MDD User Group (Model Driven Design)
  • This organization helps to introduce PHP into enterprises
  • Next White Book should list the CAC 40 french enterprises using PHP (in fact they all use it)
  • French organization of PHP users

Flash Consultant

Realisation Informatique
March 2008 to 2008
Canada - Québec
  • HD videos control with dynamic data over sockets for the television show "Pyramide" on Radio Canada
Detailed Description
  • Java - Flash
  • WUI responsible for Edgefort & Akeia Network Backup 7
  • Make UI compliant with Internet Explorer 6 & 7
  • Optimization of Apache 2 & PHP 5 builds configurations
  • Fix cache problems during updates
  • debuging tools enhancements
  • Coding rules Specifications for Javascript & PHP
  • Migration Preparation from DOJO 0.4.3 to DOJO 1.1
  • Proposals of commercial updates solutions integrated in the product
  • Internationalization Preparation
Detailed Description
  • Web Services (SOAP)
  • Eclipse - Bugzilla - CVS - Firebug
  • Apache 2 - PHP 5 - Zend Framework 1 - Dojo 0.4/1.1
  • Business Plan Creation
  • "Murder Party" Scenarii writing, & Organization in a French Castle
  • Interactive Bar technical Architecture Design
  • "Mediadyna" project (video channel server)
  • Extranet (CRM, CMS, SQL Admin, ...)
Detailed Description
  • PHP - ColdFusion - MySQL - SQL Server - SCALA
  • CMS for video trailers of all TF1 programs
  • Ads CMS with WYSIWYG Editor
  • CMS for Internet & intranet Websites
  • Interactive TF1 Program schedule for Marketing
  • "Coupe du monde de rugby 2007" Web contest with 3D Showroom and integrated videos (Flash)
  • "EMI avec WAT.fr" Web contest, with internal version in Ajax for TF1 Employees
  • "Grand prix des vlogs" Web contest, Consulting & Support
  • "Grand Concours des thématiques", TF1 Conso, Flash
  • "Soccer Worldcup 2006" Web Contest, in Flash
  • "Soccer Worldcup 2002" Web Contest, in PHP & Ajax, used by tf1.fr
  • "La pub en direct" Promotional Website
  • "conditions commerciales 2007" Showroom, in Flash, with video & 3D
  • "La Semaine de la pub 2002", forum & video
  • new TF1 Programs presentation in video Website (each year)
  • Corporate Website v3, 4, & 5 (PHP - SQL Server - Windows & Real Media Server - Ajax )
  • Website Synchronization with EDI & Programs XML Feed
  • Intranet v2 & 3 (PHP - ASP - SQL Server - Windows Media - Flash)
Detailed Description
  • Javascript - CSS - HTML - PHP
  • Dreamweaver - Photoshop - Gif animator