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Monika Pawlik

Monika Pawlik

Entry-level Consultant

Financial Services
M&A Advisory
31 years old
Driving License
Warsaw Poland
Unemployed Available

Finance and Accounting, MSc

Warsaw School of Economics

October 2015 to June 2017
MSc in Finance and Accounting (specialization: Corporate Finance)

CEMS MIM Programme

Warsaw School of Economics/Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus Univeristy

October 2016 to June 2017
• CEMS Master’s in Management Program (one of 60 Polish students qualified for the program based on: GPA score, extracurricular activities, language skills and an interview)
• Involved in the International Business Project for Transparency International Nederland (developed 20 recommendations for private sector companies on shaping whistleblowing programs and created ranking of Dutch listed companies assessing the effectiveness of their internal whistleblowing procedures)

Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems, BSc

Warsaw School of Economics

October 2012 to July 2015
BSc Quantitative methods in economics and information system (specialization: Decision analysis methods) – final grade: 5 (equivalent of A)