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Monika Pawlik

Monika Pawlik

Entry-level Consultant

Financial Services
M&A Advisory
31 years old
Driving License
Warsaw Poland
Unemployed Available

Business Analyst

Aventis Capital
January 2016 to July 2016
  • Project | Role: Supported the largest Polish accounting company in an acquisition (purchasing 100% stake) of medium-sized Polish accounting and technology company (a deal value cannot be disclosed, however it was of more than PLN 10M) | Identified potential targets for acquisition in the accounting industry, prepared valuation of the acquired company, participated in negotiation phase
  • Project | Role: Supported the Canadian software company in sales transaction (transaction has not been finalized yet) | Prepared valuation of the company
Company Description
Investment boutique acting as an intermediary for M&A transactions; partner of a global organization Globalscope