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Mohamed MAJDEB

Computer Engineer

Mohamed MAJDEB
34 years old
Medenine (4191) Tunisia
Professional Status
Nearing graduation
About Me
Mohamed MAJDEB, Young Computer Engineer
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Design and developement own computer software Srinext
  • Design and development of a LCD dashboard for a hybrid electric vehicle based on platform Mikromedia Pus for Stellaris ARM of MikroElektronika (without OS) and the BEAGLEBONE Black(modified Linux OS).
    The dashboard contains a speedometer, lights, battery gauge, fuel gauge, MP3 player, FM Radio and GPS location.
  • Development of a driver for the FM controller "Si4703" with the ARM Cortex M4 microprocessor.
  • Development of a driver for the audio codec "VS1053" with the ARM Cortex M4 microprocessor.
  • Development of a driver for the GPS controller "u-blox lea6" with the ARM Cortex M4 microprocessor.
  • Programming the Freescale car which based on the "Freedom Freescale Board FRDM-KL25Z", to follow the black line using a camera
  • Second prize in the qualification North Africa
  • I developed an android application that is intended for doctors and patients. in which Every one can manage his profile, send messages, make appointments with doctors or accept requests for appointments for patients.
    I used Java and XML in development. I also used the concept of web services, JSON and SQLite.
  • Subscriber management
  • I spent a month-Training Technician in iExpand Engineering in which I developed a C # application for managing implementation of a workshop based on the algorithm of KING
  • I developed a social networking website in which the user can make an account, share status, share videos, share pictures, send and accept friend requests, manage friend list and manage messages.
    I used HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS3 as development languages​​ and MySQL for database management.
  • Programming languages: C/C++, C#.net, VB.net, DevExpress, Telerik UI, HTML, PHP, CSS, Javascript.
  • Programming environment: Visual Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans IDE.
  • Data manipulation language: Merise, UML
  • SGBD: SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Access.
  • Graphics: Photoshop


  • Windows
  • Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Participation in the Regional Challenge qualifying "Freescale Cup" in Morocco (2nd prize)
  • member and co-founder in club "Ingénieur d'entreprises"
  • Arabic: Native
  • English: fluent
  • French: fluent

Bachelor of Computer Science

Secondary High School Idn Khaldoun Medenine

September 2007 to June 2009
Computer sciences

Computer Engineer

Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology of Sousse

September 2009 to 2014
Computer sciences
  • Beach
  • Companion