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Mohamed HADDAD

Reporter & Trainer

Mohamed HADDAD
Driving License
Tunis (Tunisia) Tunisia
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
I am a trilingual Tunisian journalist (Arabic, English and French). I freelance for various medias as Reuters TV, ARTE (franco-german TV), RTS (Switzerland public TV), Le Mouv French public radio, etc.

I also contributed to train Tunisian National TV Video-Journalists through Canal France International program, a French public organization. Besides, I trained associative radios journalists with Deutsch Welle Akademie. Both of these programs happened all around the country, out of Tunis.

Before that, I worked for the French international news agency AFP (Agence France-Presse) as TV reporter for one year and a half, covering news in Tunisia with several missions in Libya and Syria. I had the chance to follow up the Libyan news very closely because I used to go there monthly. I covered war in Zintan, Bani Walid, Misrata, electoral campaign and elections in Tripoli, also the anniversary of the beginning of the revolution in Benghazi. In Syria, I had a very interesting and dangerous experience in Aleppo for two weeks. One of my French colleagues was killed, one other is in custody in Assad's regime jail.

I have also made stand ups for the French speaking TV channel such as Medi1TV, France 24 and TV5 Monde. I travelled all around the country to shoot news and feature stories and have established a wide range of contacts within Tunisia's civil society and political spectrum. Arabic is my native tongue. I am also fluent in English and in French. Academically, I studied journalism in Bordeaux Journalism School for two years.
  • Formateur TV et Radio
Detailed Description
  • Canal France International – CFI 

    • Module de formation “Enquête et investigation” pour des correspondants régionaux de médias tunisiens dans le cadre d’un cycle intitulé “Médias de proximité”. Projet piloté par le CAPJC, CFI et ESJ Pro. Objectif: découvrir, acquérir et appliquer les principes de l’enquête sur des sujets régionaux, automne 2014.
    • Formation des cameramen et rédacteurs de la Télévision nationale tunisienne en régions (Tozeur, Sfax, Mednine, Kasserine, etc.) en 2013. Une formation adaptée aux besoins des journalistes et cameramen dans les bureaux régionaux: techniques de tournage (cadrage, prise en compte du montage en amont, soigner l’esthétique), choix éditoriaux, hiérarchie, rédaction du commentaire, interview, etc.