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Mohamed Ali Bouker

Mohamed Ali Bouker


40 ans
Québec (G1N2Z6) Canada (Québec)
En fin de contrat Ouvert aux opportunités


Université de Moncton et université Laval
2011 à 2016
  • Bouker, M. A. & Bouchamma, Y. (2016). Training needs and issues in Online professional learning communities, Journal of Research on Technology in Education (Soumis, en évaluation).
  • Bouker, M. A. & Bouchamma, Y. (2016). ICT and PLCs, for a Better Professional Development of Human Resources in Education, International Conference on Business, Economics, Marketing & Management Research (BEMM-2015), International Journal of Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process (ESMB), International publisher & C.O (IPCO), Vol. 6, 2016 - pp. 1-6.
  • Bouker, M. A. & Bouchamma, Y. (2016). Professional Learning Communities Online: a Means Towards Professional Development of Scholastic Agents, International Conference on Business, Economics, Marketing & Management Research (BEMM-2015), International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy (IJBES), International publisher & C.O (IPCO), Vol.4, 2016 - pp. 1-4.
  • Bouker, M.A. & Hervet, E. (2012). Image retrieval based on mean-shift clustering using color descriptor, in Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), 2012 11th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1422-1423, 2-5 July 2012.
  • Bouker, M.A. (2012). Mean-shift et histogrammes de couleurs: Recherche d'images par le contenu, Sarrebruck, Allemagne : presses académiques francophones (PAF).
  • Bouker, M. A. & Hervet, E. (2011). Retrieval of Images Using Mean-Shift and Gaussian Mixtures Based on Weighted Color Histograms, in Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 2011 Seventh International Conference on , vol., no., pp.218-222, Nov. 28 2011-Dec. 1 2011.