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Michel FUCHS

Business Unit Director

50 years old
St Pierre d'Allevard (38830) France
Employed Available

Branches Operating Manager

Since October 2008
  • Operating management of 4 agencies and 1 recruitment center
    Fields: Industry - Catering services - Transportation - Generalist towards small businesses (creation)
  • Business management - 120 clients et 450 temp workers daily
  • Budget management and control
    16 M€ turnover increasing by 12% year trend
    Profitability : + 16% year trend
  • Recruitment and Management of a 13 people workforce

Administration Manager

January 2006 to October 2008
Val de Marne and Airports; 15 agencies, 50 permanent workers; 40M€ turnover
  • Cost control and actions towards budget performance : profitability, DSO lowering
  • Agencies support in terms of budget optimization, legal, technical, clients liability; URSSAF; SOX
  • People transversal Management of 15 branches and around 50 workers

Temporary workforce purchasing Manager

DYNAPOST La Poste Group
June 2001 to December 2005
  • Purchasing and négotiation of temp workforce national agreements - 8M€ budget
  • People Management of 3 workers
  • Support to operational managers : recruitment, legal, non-discrimination

HR Project Partner

SNC ED (DIA) Carrefour Group
October 1997 to October 1999
Vitry sur Seine
  • Optimization of the stores organization in relation to the french law reducing the weekly working hours
Detailed Description
  • Gestion de projet de réorganisation des magasins avec pour objectif d'améliorer la productivité pour absorber le coût lié au passage aux 35 heures