I completed my undergraduate degree at Western University, in Honours Bachelor of Science. Throughout my undergraduate degree, I also attended UAB (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona) to partake in an International Exchange program, where I started my journey towards becoming a global leader. I have acquired strong teamwork and communication skills through holding various leadership positions in many clubs and organizations, most notably with the University Student Council as Vice President of Programming. I have developed my analytical abilities through my past work experiences and undergraduate coursework. I am a driven individual with the ambition to continually develop my leadership and problem solving skills to aid companies improve their strategy and performance.
The MSc in Management incorporates deeper levels of understanding about management practices through applied research and analysis, which is where it derives its scientific lean. In a world that’s getting smaller, there is a growing need for leaders who can successfully adapt and thrive in a mosaic of cultures and environments. The MSc in International Business provides practical experiences, with opportunities to study abroad and a 10-week international work term.