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Maxime Guillet

Maxime Guillet

Biological engineering and health student

27 years old
Driving License
La Chevrolière (44118) France
Student Available
Bioengineering student passionated by new researchs, comprehension and struggles axes against cancer, I plan to invest myself in health biotechnologies.

My actual project is to effectuate a 6 months internship in a R&D department in a company specialized in cancer's biotherapies.

If you are intersted in my profil and for complementary informations on my studies, experiences or others you can visit my complete CV on doyoubuzz, linkedIn or contact me by email/phone
  • flowcytometry
  • primary t-cell isolation and culture
  • purification of protein
  • welcomed customers
  • equipped customers, initiated them
  • Supervised rescues in trees with ropes (rappelling)
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  • discovered academic laboratory function
  • assisted with new way of producing monoclonals antibodies productive cells
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  • optimised analytical method
  • performed routine analysis to support analytical laboratory
  • completed sample storage stability study

Master of Biological Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering, university of Angers

September 2018 to August 2021
Biology and health systems
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Erasmus semester

Universitat de Vic

September 2019 to January 2020
Abroad semester.
I studied the same courses as in my French university

Bachelor in Life Sciences

UFR Sciences et Techniques, University of Nantes

September 2017 to June 2018
Bachelor major in cell biology and animal physiology
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Diploma of Higher Education in Bioengineering

Technological Universitary Institute of La Rochelle, University of La Rochelle

September 2015 to June 2017
Major in biologicals and biochemicals analysis
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  • team coach of young table tennis players (1 year)
  • Supervisor of handicaped people in climbing practise (1 year, once a week)
  • rock climbing for 5 years and table tennis for 10 years
  • Project Management
    Many year's projects during my college studies.
    Arrangement of a student educational support
    Launch of a school magazine
    Responsible for communication in the organization of a Science meeting to promote my bachelor
  • Public Speaking
  • immunology
    Mastery of different detection and analysis techniques that make use of immunology principles
  • health biotechnologies
    Knowledge of biomedicine general development process, particulary monoclonal antibodies
  • cell and molecular biology
    Advanced knowledge in cell cycle, its regulation and genes' expression's regulation
  • animal physiology
  • Word, Excel, Powerpoint
    Word : page setting (titles, contents page, pagination, flyleaf...)
    Excel : table chart, principals function, graphic representation to illustr data analysis
  • bioinformatics
    principal tools of bioinformatic : serial cloner, pubmed, blast...
  • English
    C1 level
  • Spanish
    will be improved thanks to a mobility at Vic university, Spain from September 2019 to February 2020