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matthieu billet

matthieu billet

Aeronautics Engineer

42 years old
Driving License
Employed Open to opportunities
Over the last 10 years, I have step by step built up a strong knowledge in both the aeronautics industry and business aviation through a combination of professional experiences in different sectors.

I am an engineer and I have demonstrated achievements in a variety of areas including aircraft manufacturing, method process, aircraft operations, piloting, air law, compliance monitoring, 'safety management system' and 'operations system software development' for business aviation.

Over the last 2 years, I have had the great opportunity :
  1. to work on a project of creating a new light aviation business model.
  2. to set up and develop an SMS for Non Commercial Complex Aircraft.
  3. to develop a new operational systems software for the business aviation sector.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Advanced Higher Engineering Cycle in Aeronautical and space engineering

Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancée (I.P.S.A.)

September 2000 to September 2005
Speciality 1 : Aircraft conception

Speciality 2 : Mechanics and Energetics

Speciality 3 : Space and Aircraft System