A dentist with Bright Now! Dental in the Denver suburb of Thornton, Colorado, Dr. Mark Moynier treats both adults and children. In addition to providing general preventive care, he offers services that range from tooth bleaching to full porcelain restorations. Dr. Mark Moynier formerly practiced with Perfect Teeth in Denver and DentalOne Partners in the Denver area.
Before relocating to Colorado in the early 2010s, Dr. Moynier worked as a dentist in Texas and New York. He has also attended various national and regional professional meetings, such as the Rocky Mountain Midwinter Dental Convention, the Southwest Dental Conference, and the American Dental Association Annual Meeting.
Outside of the professional arena, he is an avid runner who presently employs four-time Olympian Colleen De Reuck and her husband Darren as trainers. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Mark Moynier has completed 10 marathons, including the Boston Marathon, the Chicago Marathon, and the New York City Marathon.