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Marie-Ange Gourvès-Durand

International Customer Care Manager

Marie-Ange Gourvès-Durand
Paris France
Professional Status
About Me

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  • Student Care (student interview, student coaching, student assessment, student contact, student assistance during their stay etc.)
  • Organizing events (party, dinners, excursions for students)
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Website setting up and management ( in French, English and Spanish)
  • Corporate and client brochure, flyers, billboard creation
  • DTP
  • Community Management (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Blogger...)
  • Negotiation and management of the Service Providers
  • Partnership development
  • => Missions carried out in French, English and Spanish
Company Description
INTERNSHIP MAKERS is an international agency which helps students to find internships and accommodations abroad (London, Dublin, Malta, Berlin, New York, Madrid etc).
Company website
    • Community management (recruitement of creatives, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin Management)
    • Write up of blur-Marketing blogs (WordPress)
    • Write up the Newsletters
    • Management of the Creatives' platform (Members and content moderation, write up blogs, management of the forum, write up the Customer Briefs, encourage creatives to pitch, broadcast messages)
    • Customer contact
    • Election of the 3 best creative pitches for the customers
  • Development of personalised programs for clients
    in English, French and Spanish (Meetings, seminars, incentives)
  • Negotiation, bookings and management of suppliers
    (Hotels, transports, guides, restaurants, entertainement)
  • Organisation and implementation of the final program
  • Creation of marketing tools to promote the agency
  • Sourcing new ideas, venues and suppliers for events
  • Invoicing, payments and chasing of debtors
  • Formulation, translation (English - French) and distribution of press releases
  • Journalistic relations: management of press article folders,
    setting up of interviews, media briefing, organization of loan products
  • Management of the press coverage
  • Client weekly update (in English)
  • Compilation of the Lewis PR newsletter
  • Organisation of the Navteq press conference
  • Kensington project management
    (Launching of a range of accessories for iPhone, iPad)
    • Client accounts - Siemens, Navteq, Panasonic, FIBA,
      Sanyo, Kensington, Capco, Geolean
  • Implementation and monitoring of hotel offers with regards to groups (seminars, incentives, meetings)
  • Uploading and follow up of business proposals on extranet
  • Organisation of two back-to-back meetings
    (Accommodation, catering, event)
  • Creation and design of promotional e-mails
  • Development of client programs (in English and French)
  • Translation of agency website
  • Invoicing, payments
  • Organisation of Eductour events and workshops
  • Site inspection in Malta and Prague to organise two client meetings
  • Design and formulation of the Autumn-Winter brochure 2008,
    marketing brochures, and e-mails