As a freelance data scientist I take care of the flow that transforms data into information. In 2019 I have co founded VanLog, a team of data scientists providing data science training and full stack data science solutions using open source techniques. Typically all our projects provide the client with new functionalities embodied in private new R packages, and are accompanied with training on the job sessions. All the tools that are needed to understand and communicate data are part of our business, from statistical modeling to DevOps techniques, from report automation to creation of data applications and integration via API.
I have a wide experience in R and statistics training, especially teaching to a non technical audience. I have developed and taught academic frontal lessons as well as corporate training classes.
Finally, I am the organizer of several R related events (workshops, meetings, learnathons). In 2020 I was the chair of e-Rum2020, the main European R conference, planned in Milano and turned into the larger virtual R conference ever, with 2.000 attendees and ~150 speakers from all around the world.
Media Italia - Armando Testa group: Development of Marketing Mix models in order to optimize advertising mix and media planning with respect to sales revenue
J.K. Dagsvik (research support): Development of a stated preferences survey for testing the hypothesis underlying the stated preferences models in the job market field
Development of functions and tools for stable and self-similar distributions; application in the field of temperature time series and income time series
Chair of the 2020 European R Users Meeting, on-site conference turned into virtual event: a 4 day international R conference with 2.000 attendees and ~150 speakers. See
MilanoR association board member and MilanoR community manager: workshops and learnathons organizer, content editor
Data Scientist: supporting data science project for national and international brands, with a special focus on automatic reporting and modelling strategies
R Training management: content planning and training organization. Courses range from R programming to data visualization, from machine learning to R with big data.
Teaching support in the PLS project (2016): teaching data analysis with R to high school students
Teaching support for the discipline of Environmental Statistics (2012): drafted exercises about biodiversity indexes and evolution models
Teaching support for the discipline of Multivariate Statistical Analysis (2011-2012): use of SPSS for the implementation of linear and logistic regression, cluster analysis, principal components and factor analysis
Analysed data on property confiscation through organized crime, with particular reference to the confiscated companies and their subsequent management by the government
Statistical design, management, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of experimental studies, observational surveillance and monitoring systems in the fields of human health, population studies, economic and environmental sciences.
Winner of the scholarships "Extra" and "Placement" for the thesis: "Temperature fluctuations: the use of a probabilistic fractal model to investigate climate change"
Theoretical knowledge, operative skills and practical abilities to detect, analyze and treat quantitative and qualitative data in order to describe and interpret real evironmental, demographical, bioscientific and economic phenomena
“How does the temperature vary over time? Evidence on the stationary and fractal nature of temperature fluctuations”, by J.K. Dagsvik, M. Fortuna e S.H. Moen, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 2020
"e-Rum2020: how we turned a physical conference into a successful virtual event", by M. Fortuna, F. Vitalini, M. Signorelli et al., The R Journal 2020