I am a Swedish Master's student at CBS currently pursuing a double degree in both Finance & Investments and CEMS Master in Management. Prior to and during my university studies I have been working for the Swedish Army, where I hold an officer's rank. My motivation lies in meeting new challenges and together with others creating value by exploring business opportunity. Right now I am looking for a position either within Consulting or a Graduate Programme.
Part-time (approx. 50 % of full-time) during academic studies. Full time 2015/07 - 2016/08.
Trusted with positions that include managing teams of up to 40 co-workers and leaders, closely cooperating with security functions within the Army Headquarters & Royal Court.
Given position as Commanding Officer of the Royal Guards in Stockholm.
Awarded a Swedish Army medal for very meritorious work within the state ceremonials.
Highly contributing within the team leading the development the Lifeguards system of part time soldiers, which has become one of the most successful within the whole Army.
Regularly hired to deliver trainings on leadership, problem analysis and tactics to new leaders within the Lifeguards organisation.