I'm really passionate for the real knowledge obtained by the analysis over raw and real data. The world is full of misinformation and biases due a certain incapacity of being true to ourselves and to face what the facts and its data has to say. Work with data and innovative technologies, to help people live better and companies make better decisions, is one of my drives.
Quanto Analytics: discovering insightful features exploring consented financial transactions of customers, under the context of Open Banking, using PySpark, Jupyter and DataProc (GCP). Quanto Analytics is a Quanto's product which deliveries those features as a service, through an API, to our partners.
Ensuring data quality: creating from scratch a data quality process and pipeline using Deequ (Scala), covering all the internal data. The pipeline runs daily and save the results in BigQuery tables, which are synchronized with Metabase where I built a data quality monitoring dashboard to follow on and created alerts to notify the team if any quality test fails.
Data-driven culture: responsible for training teams on Metabase, helping them to explore the internal data, discovery insights and build awesome visualizations.