Web communications and community management professional, loving both the personal contact and the strategic planning side of the matter.
Great writing, translating and editing skills and expertise.
Knowledge loving, clever and passionate about my job, always happy to find the best way to solve a problem, with the full satisfaction of everyone involved.
Great at networking and getting in touch with people.
I am the proud father of Gabriele, a smart, stubborn and adorable 9-soon-to-be-10 years old.
I have a great passion and love for the following sectors: Politics, Music, Entertainment Industry and Culture, Art, Food and Gastronomy, Science and Technology, MENSA member (High IQ Society). Speaker at the conference "Politics and Communication".
Physical disability 68%
Find me on
Yelp: lucamogini.yelp.it
Linkedin: it.linkedin.com/in/lucamoginisocialmedia/
Twitter: twitter.com/ViewtifulMee