I am a software developer with four years experience working as a Data Scientist in marine data management with the British Oceanographic Data Centre, as well as full stack web development experience in my most recent role with the data-focused tech startup CGscope. At BODC I gained experience working with scientific data in a variety of formats and disciplines, primarily using Matlab and Oracle SQL. I built upon this experience during my research masters with the University of Bristol in Atmospheric Chemistry, where I gained experience performing a computational research analysis using Python and the popular data libraries NumPy, SciPy, Pandas and xarray.
Since finishing my masters I have been working as a full-stack web developer with CGscope, where I have been exposed to some of the latest front-end and back-end frameworks, experience I am supplementing by undertaking personal projects in my spare time, which I believe are essential to gain a good understanding of modern web development. I am looking for a position which will enable me to grow as a person in both my experience and knowledge of software development tools and philosophies, as well as more rounded none-tech related personal development.
One year research masters investigating the Southern Ocean fluxes of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. I gained experience in performing orthogonal distance regression analyses, Gaussian inversions and scientific python. To perform my analysis the project utilised atmospheric modelling, biogeochemical model runs and atmospheric data.
Bangor University specialises in marine science, and has a strong international reputation in this subject. This was a heavily practical course which empahsised developing students practical research and skills. I achieved at least 65% in 10 of my 12 second and third year modules including a grade of 81% for my undergraduate dissertation.