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Clara Lieutaud

Looking for a job opportunity in Logistics

Clara Lieutaud
30 years old
Driving License
Le Havre (76600) France
Professional Status
About Me
Holding a Master in Supply Chain Management from the EM Normandy (FRANCE), I am currently looking for a job opportunity in logistics.
I know how to adapt myself to each situation and I like working under pressure.
  • Organization of the French Cuisine Championship :
    communication, supervision, organization,
    follow-up. Communicaton with several partners and clients, quotations, budget monitoring...
  • Creation of communication devices (Photocall, posters...) with PhotoShop and InDesign
  • Elaboration of a monthly newsletter (use of HTML language) as well as several articles for the company's blog (WordPress and Strikingly)
  • Community Management
Company Description
Expert des animations cuisine, spécialisé dans la démonstration et les cours de cuisine pour tous publics