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Leonore Gruenberg

Microfinance Expert

Leonore Gruenberg
Antananarivo Madagascar
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Internationally mobile, young professional with a strong expertise in Microfinance and Rural Financial Institutions Development, currently based in New Delhi, India.
Master's degree in International Management and Economics with substantial field experience in rural areas in developing countries. In view: Preparations for an external PhD on Financial Literacy and Capability & the Importance of Trust and Social Capital for the Field Officer-Client Relationship

Core competencies :

  • Operative know-how in microfinance (commercial & NGO) and related fields
  • Tool Design (Financial Literacy and Education: both client and institution-centered)
  • Branch Management
  • HR Management (recruiting, training)
  • Environment & Market analyses, reports and research
  • Excellent organizational skills (project management)
  • Team player with leadership skills
  • Open-minded, adaptable and fast learning
  • Branch Manager
  • Deputy Branch Manager
  • Product Supervision
  • Responsible for Audit mission follow-up
  • Loan Officer Training Assistant
Detailed Description
  • Branch Manager : Opening and managing of a new branch (logistical preparations, regular exchange with local authorities, weekly and monthly reporting, daily management of all branch-related issues, continuous staff training and coordination of production and risk management, sales promotion and strategies, credit comités) - up to 150% of realization / targets of production.

    Product Supervision : Stimulation of sales figures with respect to one of the company's core products within the micro-loan-segment (strategic development and implementation, daily reporting and final survey, training of all staff members affiliated to the mission).

    Audit : Operational follow-up on the recommendations issued by the Audit units in cooperation with the respective branches, formulating response stategies and time table for the various branches, reporting.

    Loan Officer Training : Continuous in-service training and schooling of loan officers on an operational level ; assistance to the initial training of a new generation of loan officers, cashiers and client advisors.
Company Description
MicroCred is an investment company created by PlaNet Finance and partner investors: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Société Générale and AXA Belgium. Those founding shareholders were joined by the French Development Agency (AFD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) in 2007 and Developing World Markets (DWM) in 2008.

MicroCred aims to create a group of commercial microfinance companies offering financial services to low-income entrepreneurs who do not have access to the traditional financial sector.

MicroCred invests in microfinance companies and provides them with the technical assistance they need to become leading microfinance institutions in their respective countries.
Company website